Has anyone modded an LF3XT?


Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I have an WH tinted Q5 in mine. It's pretty good, but as I change all my lights over to Q3 5A tint, I just find I want them all like that.

Has anyone swapped the emitter on an LF3XT? Looks startforward enough but I just want to see if there any pitfalls I should be aware of?

I read about a possible anodization issue in the holes for some of the wires in the circuit board heatsinks, but have not look closely for that yet...

So, any of you pro modders see any issues?
Hmmm, took mine apart, the soldering to the emitter (on 16 mm Board) is kinda weird. Would have to replace the posts with wires or something. I think I'll hold off until I see someone else mod this one.

Darn, too bad. Wanted to nuetralize this one (already DId my Nitecores and Lumapowers and am eager to convert my collection to neutral/warm tinited leds).