Has anyone tried ½ AAA batteries in an L0D?

They are only 350 mAh 1.2V cells.

Two of those together is 2.4 volts but still only 350 mAh (less than half of a normal AAA).

They are also tabbed, so contact inside the light will probably be an issue.
The input of the L0D is 0.7 to 3.2V before you bypass the boost circuit for greater brightness. So yes, you could do it, but no, it won't help, and if anything, would give less runtime than 1xAAA.
The input of the L0D is 0.7 to 3.2V before you bypass the boost circuit for greater brightness. So yes, you could do it, but no, it won't help, and if anything, would give less runtime than 1xAAA.

I know a guy who runs his LOD head on a 2-AAA Streamlight Pro Stylus body with NiMH's and it's noticeably brighter than with 1.2-1.5V so I'm not sure if that is correct. Also, 350mah is about the same as LiIon 10440's so runtime should be fairly close to one of those those shouldn't it? I would think that the 2-1/2AAA's should be a good compromise between stock and 10440 and is probably a much safer way to get more output out of an LOD than going with 10440's............

I could be wrong tho
if you want extra brightness then a 10440 is the way to go if i remember correctly, it will bypass the boost circut and direct drive the light untill it trips teh cells cut off
I have a 1/3 AAA cell that i was trying to build a body for my LOD. Unfortunately it is only 100mah so probably impractical. It did work nicely when i had it rigged though.
...probably a much safer way to get more output out of an LOD than going with 10440's

How many people have damaged their L0D on 10440s? I'm curious because I've been running mine like that for about 18 months. It doesn't get extremely heavy use, but it has a good number of hours on it. No trouble yet, but am I running on borrowed time? I guess it's an experiment in progress.
Other than the led dieing a couple thousand hours early there rated at like 500000 or something like that so dont worry, theres nothing really to go wrong (that i know of)
An overdriven led will result in a dark spot in the center of the emitter and a yellowish beam. My T1 Q5 is damaged and runs for about 6 watts, making a high pitch noise.

I run my LOD with li ion with no problem at all.
I would check the measurement of the 1/2AAA cells... could be they are actually longer than 1/2 and two wouldn't fit in the place of one.