Has anyone used the Klik-It light?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
Has anyone used the Klik-It light?

I just got one the other day and don't remember ever seeing a review of it. Here is a link to their web site. http://www.nightbuster.com/products.html

It is as bright if not brighter than my Arc AAA and I like the switch it is a constant on you don't have to squeeze the light. It also claims to be water proof I however have not tested this yet. I don't have much experience with these little keychian lights but this one seems to be a very well built little guy.
Re: Has anyone used the Klik-It light?

wal-mart had them a while back for about $6. got 1 but gave it away. it was probably as bright as the arc, but i don't care for coin-cell lights lately.
Re: Has anyone used the Klik-It light?

I bought a couple because of the "click through" feature. They are bright with fresh batteries, and have a distinct blue tint. The one I gave my girlfriend had the switch go bad and it did momentary on only, so I swapped her mine. Haven't had a chance to tear into it to see what's wrong. Check the LED Museum


under "Gamma Ray" for a review of the same light. I liked it until it had the switch problem, don't know how likely problems are in general. Went back to the ARC AAA for EDC.
Re: Has anyone used the Klik-It light?

I believe Gamma Ray was the first to make this particular looking/working light. I have had my gamma ray for about 6 months and love it, the downside is with coin cells unlike the arc aa there is no regulation so the light will get dimmer and dimmer after awile instead of giving you a good burst of light until the batteries are dead.

PhotonRanger - a Switch on mine went bad once so I opened it up and just bent it a little and it worked fine ever since.....this may be something that needs to be done after awhile due to the nature of how it works.

The GREEN gamma ray is truley an amazing little light, the fact the whole light lights up due to it being recessed into the clear casing really adds to the 'cool' effect when you use it infront of people who havn't seen one before.
Re: Has anyone used the Klik-It light?

I bought three. Switch went bad in like two weeks of lite use on the first one. Gave one to the GF who uses it occasionally - works fine for her. Don't remember where the last one wound up - but the switch does not "index", that is when you grab it in the dark (imagine that) you don't know which side to push. I think they should put a raised dot or something one one side of the switch.