Re: Have Eagletac made the T100C2 worse?
Toaster, i didnt mean that they should simply get a new cell every time they did a test, as i agree,that would be impractical. Furthermore, inter-cell variation could cause as much of a difference in runtimes as a few cycles usage. What i did mean was that i had hoped that, if cell degredation was proving to be an issue, then they would replace the cell used in the tests maybe every couple of months, so as to try and limit as many extraneous variables as possible and minimise possible discrepancies that people who maybe dont have as much experience as you in testing and/or understanding the internal electronics of what they are looking to buy dont make the same mistakes that i may have done.
Also, i had taken account of the fact that selfbuilt used an AW 2600 cell in his tests. However, as these cells are rated pretty reliably at a higher capacity than the one used in the review of the MKI version which outperformed it, then surely that implies that the regulation on that sample must have been even better than if the same cell had been used in both tests, rather than simply meaning we should discount the second review as completely irrelevant.
And Kramer, thanks for the pointer, i do know roughly about the forward voltage of led's and how it can effect their output and efficiency, but i admit currently dont have a full grasp of the whole technicalities of the term. However, surely the fact of me being less than an expert in one aspect of an led light efficiency doesnt make me completely ineligable as a consumer to make a simple empirical observation about its apparent runtime from a source which i have found to be very accurate and reliable in the past. That would seem to me to be an exclusive and even slightly oppressive attitude to how these forums should be run.
Im sorry, but could you please consider that i wasnt actually trying to 'spread misinformation' i was simply asking for some advice on what i had noticed as a possible discrepancy between two lights that i am considering purchasing for myself from people on a forum that generally do know more than me on the subject in question, which is why i was asking here in the first place. :shrug:
Anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me. If the new version does have the same internal electronics as the older version, and any difference in testing was simply down to individual differences between the samples, or other variables, then i think that i can now order myself the MKII version in neutral white confident that i will have made the right decision.