have money, need HELP!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2002
St Louis
I've managed to come across $50 bucks (shhh...don't tell my wife) and it's just burning a hole in my pocket.

Here's my problem: I don't have any SureFire or Streamlights yet. I've had my eye on the G2 and the Scorpion for a while as my first entry-level REAL flashlight. So, which one to get first? Help me figure out what to do!

Or, since I already have a Brinkmann LX, should I get an Inova X5T to take the used 123's?

Help me!
I'm very happy with my E2e (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and use my Arc SLS to suck the life out of my used 123's. Yeah, both are relatively expensive but definitely worth it.
For $50 I would buy:

$19 - Brinkmann 3AA.
$15 - Luxeon Star with Optics.
$ 1 - 3 Kirkland AA batteries.
$ 1 - 22.2mm Mineral Glass lens.
$ 3 - Copper scrap, epoxy & misc supplies.
$10 - 12 pack of Premium Beer on sale.
$ 1 - Bag of Sunflower Seeds.

Then retreat to garage...
well Slick, since I'm having problems getting 2 LED's in my mini mag Solitaire, I think I'll pass on that one.

SFR, unless you're offering to sell yours for $50, aren't they like $70???

Seriously...I need advice? Which one? G2? When does the G2Z come out? Scorpion? X5T?
I would go with a G2, nice light(also have Scorpion )because of the options p60 p61 p90 turbohead A19
rycen...thanks for the relevant answer

Now, I was aware of the p60, p61...what are the p90 and the turbohead A19?? Are they all for the G2? Does the G2 have room on board for an extra lamp/bulb? Is it focusable? Do you know when the G2Z comes out?

What options are available for the Scorpion?
A19- battery tube ext to use a 9vt lamp
P90- 9vt lamp(3 cell)
P91- high output lamp(3 cell)
Turbohead- a 2.5in or a 3in reflector head(uses diff. lamps)for a long throw beam
No Surefire has storage for extra lamp
No Surefire is focusable
G2Z is coming soon
NO options are available for the Scorpion
The more I think about it you should get the 6P, all the above will work also.
You can get a E1 for about $50.00.I have a E2E HA And the E1 Ha, and love them both.

There's nothing wrong with the Scorpion. It comes with an extra bulb, the beam is focusable, and I like the tailswitch, which gives you either temporary on, or by depressing harder, permanent on. They can be had for $35-40.
I would get an E2, HA if possible. You may be able to get one for a little over $50. An E2e is nice too but it will cost you a few more $$.

I think for your first "real flashlight" the Surefire E2 or E2e is the way to go, you won't regret it.
Now come on Sean, is the Arc AAA a "real flashlight" or not? As far as I am concerned it is
not a super bright long throw light but in all honesty...
I carry an ARC AAA LE on my keychain.

But he asked about Surefire & Streamlight so I figured he was looking for something small & bright. The "real flashlight" was his comment that I was referring to.
i gotta say, surefire all the way (hey that rhymed) i'd get a 6p if you can get one cheap enough or a g2 otherwise. e2 is really nice but not as expandable. if long runtime is important go with the e2 and you can get an mn02 later
I was showing some of my lights to my Uncle and I found out that he has a Scorpion! He said when you turn it on you can hear the life draining out of the batteries
Hmm...Chris...you already know the smart thing to do would be to save your money...add to it...and see what happens between the Arc LS`s and Surfire LS`s. But if I was going to spend my money on dinasour technology...and do not know if a drop in LS module will be available for any of the Surefires...I guess I would go with the E-2.

Keep in mind...when you proudly show it to your grandkids...burnt out bulb no longer available...they will likely say..."yea, but why grandpa...why did you want this"..."go away kids...you bother me"

Still...it could sit proudly displayed next to you dinasour bone on top of the fireplace mantle. It is a work of art and rarer than the Scorpion...I believe it will hold it`s value better long term as a collectable.
