Having trouble with my new Strion.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2005

Yesterday i received my StreamLight Strion, which i was very happy with. It sure beats the 3D Maglite, especially when getting out of the car 50+ times a night when on duty.

The battery had a full charge straight out of the box, so i tested it for 10 mins, then put it on the charger. Soon enough the charger started blinking, so it was fully charged. Later in the night when i was shining it about it went dead. I read about it shutting off when the battery loses power, so i put it on the charger, but the charger was blinking (fully charged)? So i left it on the charger for awhile with no outcome. Changed bulb, still not working.

Today i went into a department store and put a brand new Strion battery in mine to test, still not working.

I purchased it from Copquest.com, whom have great customer service. They don't answer their phones until 8am, so i am looking for some possible insight from anybody with knowledge of what could be the problem.

Also, who should i phone first, CopQuest or Streamlight?


Just wondering if you had it locked on when you put it back on the charger. I did that not thinking one time because I was used to my ultrastinger and the charger blinked like you're describing until I figured out what I had done. Sorry, I wish I could help you more.
I have had to unplug the charger and plug it in, routinely, when returning my Strion to the charger. That seems to reset the charger and it works.
Thanks for your help.

I've contacted StreamLight who have assumed it's a faulty switch. Now the problem is sending it, and pre-paying it's return to Australia.. It will end up the cost of a new light!
Try removing the tailcap and using a piece of wire to complete the circuit between the body and the batery, and push the battery in so it makes contact with the switching mechanism inside. Its a remote possibility that this will accomplish anything, but you might as well give it a shot.