Congratulations! great to hear the light is serving you well after so many years.
Is your 170N a Clicky or a Rotary? ;-)
here are output charts for various HDS models, with the yellow highlights showing the factory clicky presets.
Here are instructions for doing a
firmware version check on an HDS, which can help determine what year it was made. And here are links to
the manuals from 2010 forwards.
Outputs on a Rotary 200 dial:
Ive been exploring pocket clip options for my Rotary 200 w sw45k. Notice the difference in blade length:
the photo of the light on the left is courtesy of emarkd, from his writeup on
How to install a clip under the bezel of an HDS Rotary
spare battery carrier option:
Sofirn SC21 Pro w stock 5000K LH351d, has built in charging, illuminated button, and tailmagnet.