Heads up on the 2003 Surefire catalog

yeah, if you live in the USA. otherwise, you're smoked.
I am relly starting to detest SF! NO updates on their website for months, no working mailing lists either, no international internet-orders, extremely high prices in Germany (well, if you think SF is overpriced, how about buying an M6 for $500 with a delivery time of weeks/months?) and worst of all: they do make great lights you must have!
Aussies are in the same boat, we have to fork out $600us for an M6. I had to wait 4 months for my last order when i order via the offical distributor.

I hope the 2003 catalogue just has the surefires that are available, no up and coming items like the beast, hellfire and others.

Same here...


{ this space is for rent }
I e-mailed SureFire, and they said that some time next week the 2003 Catalogue will be up for download as a PDF. Just for us NON-US types
Originally posted by kev1-1:
I e-mailed SureFire, and they said that some time next week the 2003 Catalogue will be up for download as a PDF. Just for us NON-US types
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Good! Now no more whining!!!
"next week" means this summer according to the new SF calendar?

looking forward ...

82 F here! What a beautiful weekend it was! You're in the wrong state! Of course, it pretty much becomes a blast furnace here around July... I guess its a good thing. It keeps all the wimps out for the summer, but we have to deal with them in the winter. Freaking 75 year olds driving 20 under in the fast lane...
3-4 weeks, the problem is telling what 3-4 weeks in surefire speak is.

I mean we heard summer 2002 for the A2 and it's turned into March 2003 last I heard (which may be pushed off who knows how many times again)

3-4 weeks could be like fall of 2003 (in real time, not surefire time). Fall 2003 in surefire time is probably somewhere in the middle of the next ice age.

I just hope it won't take too long for the *.pdf file to appear on their web site.

However, AFAIK their site isn't updated too often, either, or is it?