Help! ASP Triad suggestions please.

Brightnorm, that is great data. I've found that most manufacturers do not offer that info in their product description. I've been thinking about these lights for use in wilderness backpacking. It's a bit of a shame, that the unit with the best ability to spot over great distance is the heaviest. And that the lightest is the worst. Thanks!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
I'm trying to get my scanner working. When I do, I'll e-mail the catalog to you.


Could you send me a copy as well. Thanks
[email protected]
brightnorm or kogatana, would you say that the triad with it's tight focus throws light comparable to a maglite 3D at tight focus (something I have to compare). If it does then it seems to me this light might be the best 2 lithium light specifically for stunning since this works best with a tight focus, and doesn't really work on my mag-lite if it isn't focused tightly. I'm trying to choose between the 6p and the triad based on their ability to do this task, and if either of you have both lights, I could use some advise. I know the triad may not have the perfect circular beam (not important to me), but does it produce as much light as the 6p or less? I'm wondering if the people who said they were not impressed with it said that because of the imperfect beam or because it produces noticably less light than a surfire when focused to the surefire's beam diameter.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by moraino:

Could you send me a copy as well. Thanks
[email protected]

Although I am pretty satisfied with my newly purchased TRIAD, I am still interested in buying another one with INTERNAL focusing.

This massage is to remind you not to forget me once you have the scanner fixed.

I neeeeeeed to know the parts number if anyone has it so I can place an order.

Boy, after hours and hours searching the web I finally got an TRIAD. I would like to buy another one.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
"…the unit with the best ability to spot over great distance is the heaviest."

My Taclite has the optional stainless steel 'lens ring' that is likely to add another .2 ounces. Additionally, when I travel, I attach the baton switch and the endcap spare bulb holder. This combo makes for one sturdy flashlight robust enough to be, itself, a good makeshift impact or flailing tool.


Just for my own clarification, is the endcap spare bulb holder attached to the baton switch, and can it be attached or added to the regular end cap switch, or does it replace it. I've never been quite clear about this, and my ASP catalog hasn't arrived yet.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
The spare bulb carrier endcap is attached to the baton switch. This combination replaces the standard softtouch end switch. The spare bulb carrier endcap cannot be attched to the standard switch.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks, KT

phred, Kogatana, moraino:

phred, that's real Suthern Gennelmanly of you, thanks for the number !!
(Btw, I did get the very useful and well-made kydex Arc holder, will post in the other topic.)

I phoned them - as you say, they're listed as "Aspen International" (just to complicate things further) in the UK.
Success -they promised to send me all the necessary info, including photocopied details of the rechargeable option which the guy said wasn't in the UK version catalogue he had.

moraino, I asked for three catalogues, so mail me with your address ?
(Al, the other one is for you.)

Koga, thanks a lot, but I can't bear to think of your time taken up with scanning and sending that info !
This should save you a little time for good works. Or even relaxing, whatever.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
Jahn and moraino,
I still can't get the scanner to work. It has been very disappointing because I can't download photos from the Nikon's compact flashcard either. Oh well...

Where's my M4 [I ain't talkin 'bout the Surefire flashlight
] when I need it?

If the scanner is not dead MAYBE I can help.

Here is my mail: [email protected]

Be happy
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kogatana:
No, the SURELIGHT does not even approach the throw of the internal-focusing LA of the original Taclite.

The SURELIGHT has a different bulb - round profile and with a PR base (I hope this description is correct).

Thanks KT for the reply. I think I will stick to the ASP. Unless I can find the INTERNAL focus ASP I may ask someone who has the original one for sale....

Actually, I am very happy with my ASP bought recently despite some minor issues which I got around.

The sky won't go dark until 9 pm here in Vancouver, Canada. It's not totally dark even after that but my ASP still makes a very visible dust beam in the air with street lamp brightly shined, much brighter than my Q40 with lithium. It sort of LIGHT THERAPY to me.

The Panasonic battery which came with It masure only 3.0 volt. I kind of doubt that it's been used dates 04-2011 though.

I know most fresh battery should read somewhere around 3.2volt, isn't it? I am sure it would be much brighter with 3.2 volt on the ASP.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by moraino:

I know most fresh battery should read somewhere around 3.2volt, isn't it? I am sure it would be much brighter with 3.2 volt on the ASP.



When using premium 123's or for critical usev you should expect a voltage of 3.26 or 3.25 minimum in addition to a post date of 2011.
You should not accept anything less.

Surefire, in addition to a visible, non coded post date stamped on every battery, actually postdates by month. AFAIK* this is unique.


*AFAIK = "As far as I know"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:

You should expect a voltage of 3.26 or 3.25 minimum in addition to a post date of 2011.
You should not accept anything less.

Surefire, in addition to a visible, non coded post date stamped on every battery, actually postdates by month. AFAIK* this is unique.


*AFAIK = "As far as I know"

Thanks guys, for all the replys.

I hope there will be more people paying attention to this great little light.


I found a site that carries ASP Stainless Band Lens Ring. I am gonna get one.

I am convinces that the light comes with baton connector has INTERNAL focus assembly although I have to confirm that later.

Does that SURE LITE has longer reach than ASP?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by moraino:

I've found an website who has the INTERNAL focued ASP TRIAD with the same model number I purchased, ASP #53000.

It's very confusing so I ask him to double check the light. I don't want two Externa focused ASP.



I believe that the internally focusing ASP is the TRIAD 1 and the external focus is TRIAD 2.

Your best bet is to contact ASP directly:

ASP (Armament Systems and Procedures, Inc)
Box 1794 Appleton, WI 54913
800-236-6243 FAX: 800-236-8601
Or: 920-735-6242 FAX: 920-735-6245

Jahn (Lightlover),

What a pleasant surprise today when I got home and found a big envelope sitting there.

WOW it's a ASP product catalog from England. My goodness, it's really here. Thanks a million Jahn, it very nice of you to send me a copy of this.

And it says clearly in the catalog that ASP type one is the older internal focus one while the new ype is TYPE II which comes with external focusing.

The owner of Magnum Enforcement also told me the same thing. So the supplier may still have the type I, or they will ship you the newer one.

I will send you the scanned picture if anyone is interested in buying an ASP TRIAD.

I just found out I can get ASP Triads (or Tac-Lites?) from the distributor I use for $49 shipped to me. Black or electroless, doesn't matter, same price. They do not know if it's internal or external focus, they sell a ton of various items including knives, other lights, Zippo lighters, the now-infamous MiniMag tailcap switches, etc., and do not have a tech department or anything. They're just cheap.

If anyone's interested I would put together a group buy (I want one too) but there woul have to be some real specific rules this time (I learned a great deal with the tailcap switch fiasco). Like first I'd have to call and see exactly how many they have(!), and PayPal would be the ONLY accepted form of payment -- although I Would convert to a "Premier" account so all those credit card payments would be accepted, but buyers would have to add 3% since that's what they would charge the account holder for credit card payments.
Mr Bulk,
Don't know if our emails are working, but how about a trade for your LS & my Triad??
Ok, I need a little help figuring this one out. I became interested in the ASP after reading kogatana's description of it's "throw". I want a small, but long throw incandescent to complement my shiny new Lambda Illuminator
I happened to find an ASP sitting behind the counter collecting dust with a Streamlight Scorpion at a local outdoor's store. So I bugged the clerk into allowing me to play with them.

The ASP was beautiful, all black, no silver or gold collars. I turn on the ASP and "whoa, what an ugly beam!". Bright, but looked like a cheap, (very cheap) maglite. Well, I thought, I just need to focus it. So I twist the head and end up unscrewing the lens! Tell me it's not supposed to do that. Neither the clerk nor I could figure out how to focus it, but the clerk was certainly not familiar with the flashlights the store stocks.

The Scorpion was almost as nice looking. I turn it on and a clean, smooth beam with a nice even hotspot lights up the opposite wall about 25 feet away, just as bright as the ASP, but much, much smoother. I twist the head on the Scorpion and the beam narrows down to a smaller, brighter hotspot.

So my questions are:

Why did it unscrew (or, what exactly did I do wrong trying to focus it)?

How can I figure out if the ASP I saw was internally or externally focused, or even focusable at all.

Is the beam supposed to look like a cheap maglite at 20-25 feet?

How do the "throws" of the ASP and the Scorpion compare (or, who has the longer usable range)? If its more or less the same, based on what I saw with both flashlights, (not to put down the ASP, which I'm sure is a nice overall light) currently I'd pick the Scorpion, hands down.

All input is appreciated. Thanks.