Help me find a better 1xRCR123 EDC

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 28, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all,

I have been EDCing an "Ultrafire 602D Cree" for some time now, but it has gone intermittent on me; I have to twist the tailcap every time I turn it on. This means fumbling and using two hands.

It's probably time I bought something better.

My requirements are:

1) Must: Clicky switch. No twisty.
2) Must: 1xRCR123A
3) Must: Single mode.
4) Must: small size - no turbo head or strike bezel to create a pocket bulge
5) Nice to have: The Ultrafire feels the same at both ends, I would like to be able to press the switch blind by being able to tell which end is which by feel
6) Nice to have: Brightness about the same as the Ultrafire
7) Nice to have: Side clicky
8) Nice to have: Reverse (or neither) clicky preferred.

So... ...what's out there?
Romisen RC-N3 Q5 from Shiningbeam? In 1 X CR123a, it makes a nice, if not the smallest, pocket light.

1. Single Mode
2. Forward Clicky w/GITD tailcap.
3. You won't have trouble telling one end from the other by feel.
4. Bright
5. Regulated runtime
6. Good quality
7. Inexpensive

1. A little large for a 1 x CR122a pocket light
2. Limited runtime < 1.5 hours?
3. Crenelated bezel may eat pocket linings.
Hi all,

My requirements are:

1) Must: Clicky switch. No twisty.
2) Must: 1xRCR123A
3) Must: Single mode.
4) Must: small size - no turbo head or strike bezel to create a pocket bulge
5) Nice to have: The Ultrafire feels the same at both ends, I would like to be able to press the switch blind by being able to tell which end is which by feel
6) Nice to have: Brightness about the same as the Ultrafire
7) Nice to have: Side clicky
8) Nice to have: Reverse (or neither) clicky preferred.

So... ...what's out there?

Aleph A19.......!
LumaPower IncenDio...though it has 3 modes BUT its 3 good modes ,low, med, high... NO sos or strobe and from what i see its really really small
There is a very similar thread already running. There was no need to start this one, so I'm closing it.

Please would members check before starting new threads. If there is an existing one on the same subject, a new one is unnecessary - it just leads to confusion and cross-posting.
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