Help: Need info for LED science project!



I wonder if there is anyone that can help with some basic information on how to construct a LED project.
Me and my son (12 years) have managed to find 14 clear green and 7 clear white (yellow output) LED's out of an old VCR.
What can we do with these and I get the impression we will have to use a voltage regulator, what type of regulator should we use.
I have a 3-D Mag-Lite I could convert.
We have access to the local Radio-Shack.
I'm handy with the old soldering iron, but have limited electronics know-how in this field.

i would like to talk in person over the phone so if you want post youre number(you can delete it as soon as i see it which will be almost imidiate) just wait for me to affirm. if you'd rather get mine then say so and you will have it. ive helped newbees before and would love to help you but i have more info than i can type
That sounds like a great idea, except that will be a long distance call and I'm not sure if I can absorb the information that fast, how about e-mailing?

Ok Aragorn, e-mail me your phone number and I'll call you.
When is a good time to call?

Aragorn, I work the after-noon shift, Monday through Thursday, how about try Friday?
i work friday. but watch this topic. gotta go