Hi! My first post! I have spent a while digging around here since I was pretty stuck on how to make my project for a "reasonable" amount of money and I am completely new to electronics.
I programmed a 16F84A to make patterns and everything worked great up to there! However, I want to take the TTL from the PIC and use it to control some much higher load sources. I kept coming back to SSRs since I knew relays from cars, but they were very expensive and big.
1. Take the 5V TTL and put it into a TLP250 optocoupler (Toshiba Photocoupler) ~$1.90
2. Take the 10-15V DC from my power source (aka a car) and send it to an LM317 (national semiconductor adjustable regulator) ~$1.00
3. Use the current regulated out from the LM317 to my load (3 luxeon rebels in series) $5.00x3
Well, maybe a bit more information is needed. The signal coming from the PIC is already PWMing the signal. The end-project that I am working on is for an emergency signaling device for my father's (a firefighter) personal vehicle. Rather than buy a commercial one, I wanted to make him one as a surprise.
I am strobing the individual light segments at varying duty cycles (up to ~45Hz strobe). Additionally, flash patterns mean that any given light is not on for more than .4s at a time.
Am I calculating the power dissipation in R2 correctly?
Assuming that I have 0.689 A to the string of LEDs, and each LED sees a 3.85V drop, that leads to (3*3.85)*(0.689) =~ 7W...
or is the voltage seen by R2 the difference between the supply voltage (10-15V) and the voltage drop on the leds...
@ worst case: ~15.0V-3*3.85V->3.45V*.689A= 2.38W
@ (12V-3*385V)*.689 = .31W
What happens if the auto voltage drops below 11.55V in this case? Does my seen current just drop and I get a graceful fade-out, or will the LM317 crap out?
I know that the LEDs are going to eat up some power no matter what... but they are only 1W each. It seems wrong that I am going to have 10W in the resistor and 3W on the series of LEDs. Seeing as I am planning on having 7 segments, that would be a whopping 91W! That seems way out of hand. How can I get it closer to the 21W from just the LEDs?
p.s. sorry about the napkin-esque drawing here and please be gentle, this is my first serious project and I slept through my only two EE classes about 5 years ago.
I noticed IsaacHayes has used an LM317 before. I am itching to go and buy parts! But I am not comfortable with this solution yet.
Should I be considering different LEDs for this? I was specifically considering the LXK2-PD12-S00 and PW12-S00 both driven at 700mA. Would I gain much from driving at a higher current, or will I kill the LEDs if the strobes are left on for an extended period?
Thank you so much, and I am glad to have stopped lurking as "anon" and become a member.
I programmed a 16F84A to make patterns and everything worked great up to there! However, I want to take the TTL from the PIC and use it to control some much higher load sources. I kept coming back to SSRs since I knew relays from cars, but they were very expensive and big.
1. Take the 5V TTL and put it into a TLP250 optocoupler (Toshiba Photocoupler) ~$1.90
2. Take the 10-15V DC from my power source (aka a car) and send it to an LM317 (national semiconductor adjustable regulator) ~$1.00
3. Use the current regulated out from the LM317 to my load (3 luxeon rebels in series) $5.00x3
Well, maybe a bit more information is needed. The signal coming from the PIC is already PWMing the signal. The end-project that I am working on is for an emergency signaling device for my father's (a firefighter) personal vehicle. Rather than buy a commercial one, I wanted to make him one as a surprise.
I am strobing the individual light segments at varying duty cycles (up to ~45Hz strobe). Additionally, flash patterns mean that any given light is not on for more than .4s at a time.
Am I calculating the power dissipation in R2 correctly?
Assuming that I have 0.689 A to the string of LEDs, and each LED sees a 3.85V drop, that leads to (3*3.85)*(0.689) =~ 7W...
or is the voltage seen by R2 the difference between the supply voltage (10-15V) and the voltage drop on the leds...
@ worst case: ~15.0V-3*3.85V->3.45V*.689A= 2.38W
@ (12V-3*385V)*.689 = .31W
What happens if the auto voltage drops below 11.55V in this case? Does my seen current just drop and I get a graceful fade-out, or will the LM317 crap out?
I know that the LEDs are going to eat up some power no matter what... but they are only 1W each. It seems wrong that I am going to have 10W in the resistor and 3W on the series of LEDs. Seeing as I am planning on having 7 segments, that would be a whopping 91W! That seems way out of hand. How can I get it closer to the 21W from just the LEDs?
p.s. sorry about the napkin-esque drawing here and please be gentle, this is my first serious project and I slept through my only two EE classes about 5 years ago.
I noticed IsaacHayes has used an LM317 before. I am itching to go and buy parts! But I am not comfortable with this solution yet.
Should I be considering different LEDs for this? I was specifically considering the LXK2-PD12-S00 and PW12-S00 both driven at 700mA. Would I gain much from driving at a higher current, or will I kill the LEDs if the strobes are left on for an extended period?
Thank you so much, and I am glad to have stopped lurking as "anon" and become a member.