Hey Salt Lake City!! (Outdoor Retailer Show)


Newly Enlightened
Mar 19, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Hey everyone, we're coming back to SLC for OR show in a couple short weeks!

Does anyone want to meet up after the show one night and talk lights? :)

Also, is there anyone going to be at the show? We're at booth 38225 this year! Stop by and say hi if you're going to be there! :D


We are looking at hosting a small get together at The Pie Restaurant on Sunday night, the 11th. This get together will start at 8:00pm and go til about 10 or so. (we'll be exhausted from working the past 3 days :p)

Please RSVP to me either in this thread or via PM so that we can know how many to expect.


ALSO, don't forget to visit our booth 38225 AT the show!
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I might travel to SLC for work. When does the OR show run? If my visit coincides with the time of the OR show I would love to meet up with you & the Fenix gang, and maybe grab some drinks to discuss lights as well! :)
I'll definitely be there!

We had a great get-together with David last year, and there were probably 10 CPFers at least. :thumbsup:
I'm going to be in SLC that week for my nephew's wedding. I can't say I'll definitively be there yet, but I'll work on it.
Believe you me, I want to meet up badly. But my work travel is super hectic so I can't predict where I'll be until usually a couple days before.

I'm really hoping my schedule falls in place with this show so I can meet you guys.
I don't think I'll make this event unfortunately. My meeting in SLC got pushed.

However I did have 2 delicious back to back dinners taking clients out to eat. Last night's meal was around $200, and tonight's was around $250, for the 3 of us. :)
Sorry about the last minute flake, but my family put together a last minute birthday party for my mother-in-law and daughter. I'm not gonna chance the consequences of sneaking out of that. Next time...
LED-holic, gswitter - thats too bad about the last minute bails. We'll miss you.

It looks like I'll at least be going to the show - not sure about the g2g yet.

Chris, come by our booth! :)
We're having a blast here.



So who all will be at the pie tonight?