High Output Replacement Bulb For An Old 12V Car Accessory Light?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2000
Dunsmuir, Ca.
I have an old 12V magnetic based car emergency light with a wind-up cord that runs off the cigarette, (can I still utter such a horrible word in this politically correct world?), lighter in my vehicle. The light output is okay and it's come in handy through the years but it has a big "black hole" in the center of the beam. The original round small bulb looks to be a "lantern" style with a threaded base. What would be a brighter upgrade replacement for this old bulb? There are no markings on the bulb. Thanks.
Check Radio Shack for a replacement bulb. Any bulb capable of fitting into the base and operating on 12 volts should work. To correct that black spot, I believe that there's a 14 volt bulb which is cylindrical rather than spherical which may improve the focal point.

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