High powered hand held lasers

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the laser guy

Newly Enlightened
Sep 16, 2002
N. Idaho
Hello everyone..... i was advised to post to this group. I make 50+mw 532nm handheld lasers that work on 2xAAA batteries....... questions?
Dwight Finney

Longevity? If you're overclocking a lower power device, I'd expect life to be short.


How much current does it draw?
Hi laser guy. Welcome to CPF. That was a short intro. Don't worry, most of us do not bite. Tell me more on your laser. Can you post a pic? 50mw sounds way cool. You got my attention.
Oh, yeah. I forgot.

the laser guy-
Welcome to CPF. Get ready for responses from very knowledgable people that have welcomed me to be part of thier group.

Also, do you own an ARC AAA?
As for Color 532=emrald/yellow green.

Where to see what I do.

I have a video of a side by side demo of my modified lasers there.
I DO NOT simply overpower a cheap diode . I hand build these puppys from scratch!!
Battery life is 50 mins on fresh alkaline batteries. At this time I have not been able to effeciently run it on Nexcell NmAh batteries. the voltage is not high enough to properly power the pump circuit for the 500mw 808nm IR diode.
do u have blue lasers?
You build from scratch? your electronics skill is amazing
And for 500mW upgraded diode, how big it is? Is it fit in standard AAA casing? how much it will be cost? $1000?

The only things needed now is a way to make the price cheaper for us most mortal, and I will be more than happy to buy one... Any special for CPF member?
The laser looks awesome. Dwight, whom steered you to CPF? Could you send one to Craig at The LED Museum for test and evaluation? He is also a laser guru. I will buy one if he approves the product. Check out his web site and you will see what I mean.
Maybe not from 2 AAs, but getting 50+mw from a medium sized Li-ion battery is easy.
It will be quite expensive, so the Li-ion battery and charging circuits shouldn't be too expensive compared to the rest of the circuit.
Besides, such a device likes to eat batteries, so make it so that you can run and charge the laser from a power supply.
Originally posted by the laser guy:
I am the guy that makes the safer 5mw laser pointer for Z-bolt.... Hey who told ya?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'm just psychic that way...

I actually bought one of the Z-Bolt modified lasers and while it is noticeably brighter than the un-modified laser, the beam is not quite centered.
If I hold the laser close to a matte surface I can see that the green dot is off to the center of a larger dim green circle.
It doesn't seem to affect anything and if I hadn't discovered it accidentally I probably never would have noticed.

A friend bought another modified laser from Z-Bolt (we actually bought them together) and his green dot is actually more than one dot. There are a few tiny green dots surrounding the central dot -- sort of like shining the laser through a prism.
The pump diode energy is difracted "like a prism" through the YAG crystal. These crystals refract and lase when excited by the infrared laser energy emitted by the pump diode. As a result of this refraction, the laser radiation emmitted from the crystal comes out at three different angles, one for each frequency.
808nm IR pass through,1064nm IR and 532nm green. it is IMPOSSIABLE to get the beam straight out of the pointer and YAG assembley because the original beam is being split "Like a prism!".
sort of like hold up your three fingers and your index in the 532nm green emmision. you kind of have to fudge your hand to get it straight. I could make it come out straight if i were to put a little bend in the pointer.
As for the other pointer that has more than one beam..... The quality of the laser can be determined by these factors
1. Good diode alignment
2. Purity of the YAG crystal
3. Collination
4. optics
5. pump circuit design
6. Batteries
I do see quite a few low grade crystals in the pointers that do not make it for the mod.
If he or you have a problem with it. pay shipping to and from and I will see whats up if you wish.
Multipull refraction caused by minoir interference with in YAG crystal is the most common cause for more that one beam. I can re-collinate the crystal to try and knock that down some.. no guarrentee that it will work,,,,,,,, I didnt make the crystals. and this is a new and emerging technoligy..
Answer your questions?
Someone here mentioned they had a green DPSS laser that had two distinct beams of equal intensity, spaced very close to one another. From his description I would have guessed he was running TEM01 multimode but I suppose it could have been an internal reflection/refraction with some component in the laser cavity as well. I also investigated the possibility of a dark line defect in the pump diode, but that didn't seem likely given that his unit did not suffer any loss of output power.

I have a green laser pointer that often reaches 11.6 milliwatts. For the first six months, it never went over 4.6mW, then all of a sudden, it started increasing after warmup... 6+ mW at first, then 8+, then 10+, and finally, 11.6 which seems to be the highest it's been able to go. There was no change in the current consumption, and this only happens when the laser head is warmed up 20° or more above room temperature by using it for about a minute or by warming it up well in the hand before using it.

My guess is that the vanadate or some other component in the optical train "accidentally" fell into critical alignment, increasing overall lasing efficiency. There was no detectable change in the amount of radiation emitted at 808nm or 1064nm; only the 532nm output increased.
I'll be the Ghiny Pig.

I bought a 51mw+ today after talking to Dwight for a while by phone. It should be ready in about a week. I'll let everyone know how it compares to my other two greenies when it arrives.

Originally posted by the laser guy:
How do I get my photos to post?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Firstly your need your photos hosted somewhere on the net (your own webspace/Imagestation/Yahoo Photos etc)

Then you just use UBB code in your post:


*Do not put spaces between and the URL

For example :

To post this photo: [url="http://www.candlepowerforums.com/ubb/bc_title.gif"]http://www.candlepowerforums.com/ubb/bc_title.gif[/url]

you would type the following:
[IMG] [url="http://www.candlepowerforums.com/ubb/bc_title.gif"]http://www.candlepowerforums.com/ubb/bc_title.gif[/url] *** WITHOUT SPACES ***

Have a try over in the practice posting area
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