The pump diode energy is difracted "like a prism" through the YAG crystal. These crystals refract and lase when excited by the infrared laser energy emitted by the pump diode. As a result of this refraction, the laser radiation emmitted from the crystal comes out at three different angles, one for each frequency.
808nm IR pass through,1064nm IR and 532nm green. it is IMPOSSIABLE to get the beam straight out of the pointer and YAG assembley because the original beam is being split "Like a prism!".
sort of like hold up your three fingers and your index in the 532nm green emmision. you kind of have to fudge your hand to get it straight. I could make it come out straight if i were to put a little bend in the pointer.
As for the other pointer that has more than one beam..... The quality of the laser can be determined by these factors
1. Good diode alignment
2. Purity of the YAG crystal
3. Collination
4. optics
5. pump circuit design
6. Batteries
I do see quite a few low grade crystals in the pointers that do not make it for the mod.
If he or you have a problem with it. pay shipping to and from and I will see whats up if you wish.
Multipull refraction caused by minoir interference with in YAG crystal is the most common cause for more that one beam. I can re-collinate the crystal to try and knock that down some.. no guarrentee that it will work,,,,,,,, I didnt make the crystals. and this is a new and emerging technoligy..
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