Highest capacity/weight ratio NiMh 2/3 A cells?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 28, 2005
Does anybody knows which 2/3 AA cells have the highest power/weight ratio?
The best I could find so far are Elite 1450 2/3A with 73mah/gram but I cannot find any to buy (does anybody knows a good source?). The Elite 1500 2/3A have only a capacity to wieght ratio of 65mah/gram
Is there any other cells available with better ratio? Or even the same ratio with a lower capacity? I am ready to trade a bit of capacity for weight: 1300mah and under 18g would be perfect.
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Re: Highest capacity/weight ratio 2/3 AA cells?

Do you mean 2/3A or 2/3AA? 2/3AA top out around 750-800 I think.