Hobbico Quick Field Charger MkII - Opinions needed


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
I came across this charger from this thread and was wondering whether it would be of any good.

Of special interest to me is the dual independent channels and the adjustable charge rate, that way I can get charging done a little faster than with my Maha C777Plus2. That it runs off 12VDC and costs just $40 is a BIG BIG bonus.

I'm fully aware of how important good chargers are - that's why I'm asking whether this is a great product or just BS. If it's not up to scratch, I can always stick with my Maha, but this sounds like it would be great to have around as a complement to the Maha.

Thanks guys /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hello Kevin,

I do not have one of these, but did some research. For the price, it seems to have good value, but there are some issues...

One side will often charge to a higher voltage than the other side.
NiCd and NiMh packs often get overcharged because it misses the peak charge indication.
It conservatively charges Li-Ion cells to 4.1 volts. This works out to about 85% of full capacity, and results in longer cycle life.

Of all of these, missing the peak detection is the biggest problem. This seems to occur most often when "topping off" cells charged the night before, or charging partially discharged cells. It is advised to keep an eye on the temperature of the pack while charging and not to leave it unattended.

Re: Hobbico Quick Field Charger MkII - Opinions ne

Hmm looks like we do get what we pay for...

Once I've added up shipping, cost of the jacks, and shipping, I might as well get a second Maha for that price, that way I can charge two packs at once.
Re: Hobbico Quick Field Charger MkII - Opinions ne

Any comments then on the accucycle elite? http://www2.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXEYD4&P=7

It seems it will come out a bit less than the triton plus power supply which is included. Not having used either and not having heard anything about the accucycle, the interface sure looks more intuitive and the automation might help simply. There is a heat sensor available on this unit as well. Is the temperature probe giving folks enough confidence to leave these charge unattended? Thanks for any input
Re: Hobbico Quick Field Charger MkII - Opinions ne

Hello Bogus1,

I have heard good things about the Elite. Once again, I am going by what others are saying as I do not own one nor have I had the chance to test one.
