How can I get a 2C maglite apart?!?!


Newly Enlightened
Nov 28, 2004
Toronto, Ontario
Hi, I've looked at the instructions (use a 2mm Allen key in the switch to unscrew the screw and it is SUPPOSED to come right out)... but my mag will not budge. It is a C sized body, one of the older models. How can I get this thing apart? Also, I'm going to be putting a hotlips into it but I just realized that this there is a small gap between the hotlips and the body. Any suggestions for filling it? Thanks!
Does the serial number on your light start with a letter or number? If it starts with a number then you do have one of the older front load 2C's.

Remove the head of the light and look down inside of it and you will see a silver locking ring with two small indentations in it this holds the switch in. If it's not too tight you can take a long pointed pick (ice pick will work) and turn the ring until it screws out, depress the switch to on position and the switch should drop out the front, well it may take a little push from the back to get it going but this should work.

You will have to get the larger heat sink for the older C body the new style sink is too small or order the sleeve to make it fit from HotBeam

Hope this helps /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thanks for the advice, but is there anything else I should be doing first to get it out? I found the little indentations but that little ring wont budge at all... I tried the same thing with 2 other C mags I have and all no luck so that's why I think I must be missing something...
Never mind... I got 1 of my 4 out, apparantly the other 3 look like they have damage around the screw part so it is pretty much stuck in /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif.
Good, some of them can be a little stubborn if you don't have the special spanner wrench to take it out. If one ice pick doesn't work try two at the same time one in each hole for a little more turning force or two nails through a small block of wood will work also if you them spaced right.
