now the final Hard part, do BOTH, and keep everything balanced out perfectally so none of the failure scenarios can occur.
You can just tell the current only controlled V-drop termination computer to shove off, because it can fail in series AND in parellel, it just cant cut it without causing damage to the "matched" sets and mis-matching them even worse than before, , get windows 7 for it see if that helps
1.41v--1.38v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--| = 13.98
1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--1.40v--1.41v--| = 13.98
each of the cell items could be anyfreakingwhere in voltage including 1.0V (or lower) when you have self discharges, generally they dont TIE parellel sets together, then series it, it is usually 2 strings all over the place in voltages, tied at the ends with both ends being reasonably close in voltages. and it doesnt do any good to tie the parellels either.
1.41v--1.38v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--| = 13.98 <--- now we know if we stay at/below 1/10 C none of these cells will V-drop , or cause a V-drop cascade.
with each single series string, current through every part of the string will be similar,
1.41v--1.38v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--| = 13.98 <--- but now we THINK that we can stay below 1/10c for the SET of 2, and that isnt so.
1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--1.40v--1.41v--| = 13.98
Once we tie in the second string current could vary 100% through either string.
Looser tighter, say one set of series items is higher in resistance
1.41v--1.38v--1.42v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--| = 14.05 <---- the ACTUAL voltage doesnt change (its tied) this is its virtual IR thingeee
1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--1.40v--1.41v--| = 13.98 <--- the majority of the current flow is passing through only ONE set :-(
the higher resistance or Loose Batteries dont care about the current going through, heck they will go to 15+V before they hit fully charged.
the lower resistance batteries charged at 14V and hold thier ground , will be sucking up the current going to both sets.
Of course the actual voltage doesnt change, but if you seperated the 2 sets and charged seperatly this is what you would see, they arent the same.
the lower resistance series set is now taking on the WHOLE charge, and that could cause One item in the series set to V-drop (again).
1.41v--1.38v--1.42v--1.40v--1.40v--1.40v--1.39v--1.40v--| = 14.05 <---- the ACTUAL voltage doesnt change (its tied) this is its virtual IR thingeee
1.35v--| = 13.93 <--- the majority of the current flow is passing through only ONE set :-(
as you can see, if ONE cell in any series set takes a V-drop Dive, because it has reached overcharge both (or all freaking 10) series sets will dump into the one series set to some degree, and because we are wrong trying to use a High current/ high voltage for both series sets, we can achieve another complete V-drop cascade failure.
so i figure that without voltage control, you must keep the current below what any single cell in the entire pack would v-drop over, because there could be times when the majority of the current would flow through the one low resistance set. if it V-drops everything goes out of wack and snowballs.
so lets mix it up badly
0.00v--1.35v--1.30v--| = 12.05 <--- at this point i doubt that adds up correct :hairpull:
0.00v--1.12v--1.00v--1.25v--1.20v--1.31v--1.21v--| = 12.08
someone went and discharged the pack too low, caused a cell reversal, and everything is really bad.
a slow 1/20c charge rate might not wake up the 0.00 cell items.
0.00v--1.39v--1.40v--| = <--- hey you got them all charged , , , Almost
1.39v--| =
it probably wont wake it up, now you have another mess to fix.
so that is where the voltage max thing can come in handy, to Zap them suckers back to awake before starting the charge, and before slow charging again.
just put it on the power supply Smack it good with 14V, then set the max slow current , and go on.
so your completely stuffed at the slow charge current of ONE cell item , if you use lower Voltage ONLY max it should work, but if things were really off one cell could easily still get pushed into a V-drop and that is always the end of the party, once that happens you might as well toss out the whole thing
or call out the fire department
If you use Slow Current ONLY , you could get stuffed at the low end, where a set of cells throughout are still parked at ZERO all the way through the charge.
if you apply Both, in the proper manner you can series parellel charge a 10Px10S, but really why not use D cells at LEAST
taking 100hours to charge would only work for some weird solar project
whatever can go wrong will go wrong, such is life, just adjust things to cover it.