How do Coast LED flashlights compare to others?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 5, 2005
Central USA
I just purchased a Coast LED Lenser Tac Torch v2 6 chip dual color flashlight model #TT7736DCP. It's perfect as far as brightness goes for my uses (twice or three times as bright as my Lightwave 2000) and has a red LED in the center for night vision preservation.

Kurt B Shutterpoint
Re: Is Coast a bad word here?

I guess I didn't use the search function correctly when I first posted my message and then edited it about the same time you posted. I did find lots of Coast references. Sorry about that.
Re: Is Coast a bad word here?

I think you'll find a general consensus that Coast/LED-Lenser lights are very solidly-constructed, with that being the one strength - otherwise they're generally seen as overpriced, lacking in performance, and prone to premature failure due to the total lack of regulation in almost all models.
Re: Is Coast a bad word here?

srvctec, no problem! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif It is easy to forget to set the date option for searches; I missed that option myself a few times! The default setting of 1 week is unlikely to produce wanted results.

idleprocess, thanks for your comments. I was looking at Coast flashlights also, but given your comments, it is unlikely that I'll be purchasing any in the near future!
Re: How do Coast LED flashlights compare to other

That's my one Coast light -- I think it's exceptional. Regarding price, I picked mine up at Fry's for $29.00 at Christmastime, which is a bit of an improvement on the $54.00 that the local Lowe's is asking.

I'm using lithium AAAs; the only mod I intend is to put in regulation, sometime down the road (if there's any room at all).
Re: How do Coast LED flashlights compare to other

I have the 6 chip too. I played with the ones on display at lowes and the 1 watt models. The 1 watt models were all diffferent colors from the lottery, green, purple, brown, blue, no white ones. The other lights were marginal and one used N cells. I played with the 6 chip and was shocked at its bluish white light and further played with it. I bought it and use it to read my mail, catalogs and hte news paper.
Kind of puts my other multi led lights to shame.

I was of the assumption it was regulated or over driven as it has a 50k hour life and at that 50 hours per set of batteries. I tried running it on two cells, but the whites would barely light while the red was still strong.

I am still on my first set of batteries. Man it does get warm after a bit of use. The heat seems equal from the batteries and head area.

I just wished it was more of a mini mag shape than a short stubby shape. Also maybe mod it to use 3 aa batteries. Maybe me want to try an inova 5x or 7x to see if its brighter.