How Do You Carry Your Lambda...


Aug 6, 2001
Since there is currently another fortunate group awaiting Lambda Illuminators (including me
), just curious to hear about what methods the first group might have come up with to carry their Lambda (or factory Legend 2AA). I have a really old leather holster that was originally made for a MiniMag 2AA that fits an old Legend 2AA perfectly (the one prior to the twist-lok switch feature). I also have an Eddie Bauer version of the Legend 2AA (with the twist-lok switch) that is too fat to fit. Not only is the rubber grip thicker, but the diameter of the metal under the grip is also thicker. I'm hoping the newer ones will still fit this holster but, just in case, what's the best method you've found?
You might want to check the web page for details on the FREE nylon belt holster..........
I usually carry in my back pocket or front right pocket where it can be really uncomfortable if i sit down... I would certianly use a sent
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bushman:
I usually carry in my back pocket or front right pocket where it can be really uncomfortable if i sit down... I would certianly use a sent<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And, do you tell the girls "Why yes, that IS a flashlight in my front pocket" ?
I've got a holster made for the MiniMag, not sure if it'll fit my Lambda, must try it. The leather that goes around the body of the flashlight is very soft and flexible, and also it's wider at the top opening, so it should take a slightly larger light and also help make insertion easier (isn't that true of all things?).

Here's what it looks like from the front:

From the side:

From the back (have no idea who the maker is, I've already closely examined the logo):

And with a MiniMag in it:
I tried to use the AA holster that came with the mini mag.. the nylon one, but the rubber around the lambda makes it hard to take out once you get it in. maybe a simple plastic loop that goes around the belt will do...
I have given up...I carry a "purse" with me--actually it's a combination shoulder/waist pack from REI and on one end it has three slots that are about the right size for a flashlight. It used to hold my MiniMag, but that is where I expect to put my Illuminator. The other end has a slot that holds the cell phone.

Inside I carry extra batteries, glasses of various flavors, extra (less-frequently-used) keys, a small notepad, all the junk. I often just go to meetings with that one little pack. It's all I carry to/from work each day.

The X5 is small enough to fit in the bottom of my pocket. The Illuminator is a bit longer than a MiniMag and the MiniMag doesn't fit well in my the other guy said...


Hey! I just found a neat little holder that I almost forgot about. A Nite Ize Lite Lok. Fits my old AA Brinkman's perfectly. Sorry I can't verify if they still fit the current production lights. Light just snaps in place, clips to belt or mounts to surface, locks in 8 different positions, etc. Here's the Nite Ize link.
Nite Ize Lite Lok
Mr.Bulk had some computer problems and lost the pics and a lot of other info.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rycen:
Mr.Bulk had some computer problems and lost the pics and a lot of other info.
Ouch! Bummer.

Here's a great place to buy NiteIze stuff... and here's the lightlok:

I guess we still don't know if the current Legend AA fits this though, huh?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:
I've got a holster made for the MiniMag, not sure if it'll fit my Lambda, must try it. The leather that goes around the body of the flashlight is very soft and flexible, and also it's wider at the top opening, so it should take a slightly larger light and also help make insertion easier (isn't that true of all things?).

Here's what it looks like from the front:

From the side:

From the back (have no idea who the maker is, I've already closely examined the logo):

And with a MiniMag in it:

MR Bulk,

I can never bring up your pics. All I get are those dreaded "red X's". Any suggestions?

I know how I'm going to carry my Lambda..invisibally
I wasn't lucky enough to get on the list for the first batch...maybe I could convince lambda to squeeze me in at his special 1st run price
I'll have to keep playing with my 3 million candlepower spotlight until I can get my hands on a lambda
Brightnorm, signals, darrel,

Try now, they seem to be up again...?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
Looks good now! And now, of course, I want one!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I used to buy all my leather equipment from an LEO supply house that was open to the public, but those days of rookie fever are thankfully over now. Perhaps you could check at a similar type store in your area?

If not, I may sell this one since I no longer have a MiniMag, but first I want to make doubly sure it won't fit my Lambda Illum. (I don't have it on hand, will probably try fitting it when I return to work Friday).