How do you glow?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 2, 2001
For those of you with glow powder, glow sheets, Alien Skin, etc., where have you used these products? And how do you like/rate the results?

I'm looking for "novel" ideas for the glow powder obtained in the recent CPF group buy that was graciously coordinated by mr. glow. Thanks for sharing!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by flashfan:
For those of you with glow powder, glow sheets, Alien Skin, etc., where have you used these products? And how do you like/rate the results?

I'm looking for "novel" ideas for the glow powder obtained in the recent CPF group buy that was graciously coordinated by mr. glow. Thanks for sharing!

I don't know how novel it is, but I've had great results using the glow agent on things like the interior of flashlight bezels-especially where the manufacturer chose to have a "dead" non-reflective surface. This is particularly effective on WHITE led the Lightwave 2000 etc., becos, to an extent, the glow surface is at least partially reflective.

I've also had great success with wall clock dials-40% better than the old Lumibrite!

BTW-flash, have you mixed up a batch of any of that stuff yet?
I'm mixing a small amount of glow powder into clear casting epoxy and potting luxeons into aluminium heatsinks. I've also potted UV LEDs in the same stuff to make little bricks that glow whitish purple when lit, then green with the afterglow. Finally, made a all-in-one "emergency light" epoxy resin brick with the stuff - lookie here:

That's one heck of an interesting mod you have there hotfoot! For a start, where did you get the clear resin and catalyst?

Also where did you get the glowrings? I was about to order some from Let me know if you want anymore before I place an order.

Spidey82, let me know too if you want any.
Thanks Xenon! Tried PMing ya, but couldn't - but check your email

(Note to CPF admins/moderators: I think the PM may be down - I tried using it and kept getting server errors - thanks!)
Used some glow powder to make a clearish paint which I then used to do a ceiling starscape complete with Milky way. It is awesome!!! It really feels like you are laying out under the stars away from city lights.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Used some glow powder to make a clearish paint which I then used to do a ceiling starscape complete with Milky way. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I'd like to see a picture of that! Any chance you can mount a camera on a tripod and take a long exposure photo?
Here's a couple uses and a question:

Take a piece of glow sheet and insert it in one of those lucite cheapie self standing picture frames. Set it next to your bedsite lamp and turn the lamp on for a few minutes (good for those who read in bed). When the lamp goes out you have a night-light that costs nothing to run and is bright enough for you to find stuff on the nightstand.

Put small pieces of it on the handle of the flashlights and protect it with a piece of clear packing tape cut larger than the glow sheeting (sticks much better than the glow sheeting).

Cut little squares of it and put on the faceplates just above the light switches in the house - you'll never miss it in the dark.

Take a large piece (8x10 or so) and put it in a cheap picture frame and hang it just above your lamp in the livingroom. Shut off the lamp and you'll have enough light to navigate the room as your eyes adapt.

Now for the question. I would like to cut perfect little circles out of the glowsheeting - 11/16" or 5/8" in diameter. I cannot find a punch or cutter that will do this. Any ideas?
This is for Doug. I figure it be better to post the question here on the glow paint.

I have a one inch diameter clear plastic tube. i would like to paint the inside "tips" of one of them. So the glow would eminate from the inside of the tube.

Should I put a "white" coat over the glow paint when it dries?

Another thing I found useful with the glow stuff is I made a small rectangle on the base of my remote control that I keep misplacing when I am watching movies in the dark.
If you can find thin-walled tube the same I.D as the circle you're trying to cut, then just sharpen the outside of it and use a mallet to punch the holes. You can even punch through multiple sheets.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by axolotls:

I have a one inch diameter clear plastic tube. i would like to paint the inside "tips" of one of them. So the glow would eminate from the inside of the tube.
Should I put a "white" coat over the glow paint when it dries?
-NO....if you do that, you won't see the paint glowing at all

Just skip the base coat, and put on 5-6 glow-coats.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by axolotls:
Thanks. That stuff goes on pretty thick. I have it at about 32%.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Sounds about right, but if it seems too thick in viscosity to go on easily and smoothly, just add a little mineral spirits (no-lead thinner), and make sure each coat dries b/4 applying another one.
Put some sheet in the circle in the back of your photon, or get some on your keychain at least.

I have some dots on my snooze alarms (I sleep in PITCH dark) so I can get more shut eye.

I also have a few dots on a low ceiling in the house.
I thought about putting some on the buttons of my clock radio too. But unfortunately, my room always has some light coming from the outside street lights.
Thanks for all of the input. Some pretty useful ideas that I never would have thought of. Keep 'em coming!

Mr. Glow, no, I haven't mixed up a batch yet--trying to have a number of "projects" lined up before I even attempt the mixing process. But I do have the packet of glow powder stuck to the bookshelf beside the bed, and it does make the greatest night light!