How hard is it to make a smart twisty UI?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2008
Many people want a smart UI that lets them smart on high or low. So far only some clicky lights have such UI. Zebralight offers this with its one click high or low UI. The Quark tactical offers something like that with an additional step of twisting the head first before clicking.

Wouldn't it be great if twisty lights give you this smart UI too? I don't think it is hard to make a twisty UI similar to the Quark tactical UI. I imagine light makers can easily program the light to change the starting order after, say, 3 quick clicks. For example, if the light starts on low (L/H), 3 quick clicks would toggle the starting order to H/L. The next time you turn on the light, it would start on high.

The programming for this should be really simple. If three quick twists occur, then toggle starting order.

Just imagine lights such as the EZAA and LD15 and countless other twisty lights with this smart UI.