How has inflation affected you ?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2021
How has inflation impacted you ? And I quess to make this post some what related to flashlights ?!?!?! Do you own any yellow colored flashlights?
Inflation has not affected my flashlight needs but it has had a large impact on necessities. Our heating oil for example was 70 pence a litre (ppl) about 10 years ago and dropped briefly in 2016 to about 40 ppl. Now its up to 98 ppl at our latest delivery. Other utilities are going mad too. Same with food etc.
I've got a couple, wish more of the black ones were yellow. I wish all my Maglites were red. While I'm at it, I wish all the Mags were grenade grip too!
I own ONE yellow colored flashlight. It came in a car emergency kit, with a RED traffic wand diffuser. Its a 2D incan model.

Not because of inflation, I went back to work, to help out a friend, and because I was getting bored after staying home for two years due to covid.

I suppose that due to inflation, my savings rate has decreased a little bit, and the size of my financial gifts to my kids has grown.

I've cut back on the purchase of items that have jumped up in price, for example: eggs, (like the people in and around Mr. Bykfixer's area), I won't pay $6 a dozen for eggs. Also, I pretty much cut out buying junk-food snacks such as Doritos or potato chips. Its healthier for me to do so anyway.

I'm using it as an excuse to hold on to my car for another year or two. I have a Grand Marquis, and although it is a large car, it sits lower than crossover SUVs, and pickup trucks such that their headlights shine right into my eyes. It gets decent mileage, 25 mpg highway, and 19-20 combined, and gives a comfortable ride. I guess I am waiting for it to have an expensive mechanical failure that will put it into the graveyard, because it costs so little to maintain. Annually, not more than one or two monthly payments on a new car.
Just one, but it's a beauty!

I'm paying more for the items I need - Purchasing much fewer of the things I want. :broke:
When you're as poor as I am inflation doesn't really affect you. 😂😂 and yep a G2. I turned one red with dye. Pretty cool.
I don't think I do have a yellow light. Strange.

The biggest thing I've noticed with inflation is how ridiculously expensive the grocery store is now. I shop once every two weeks and there's just no way to get out of there for under $100 anymore. Unless maybe I ate nothing but ramen, but I'm not that desperate! Utilities and such have gone crazy high, and every fast food place is at least $10 or more for an adult size meal which is getting harder to justify the cost.
I mostly only buy things I need at the supermarket when they are BOGO. Read sale flyers and stock up then. I have also found I can do quite well without many things I once wouldn't think twice about tossing in the cart. There is a big difference between wants and needs.
The economy can go bust, but for the collectables, especially flashlights, will hold there value. I'm viewing a few on the fleas that are currently getting top dollar.