Well I let my woman take the T5 on the dog is how it ended.
Me:Ok hun lets head back, been an hour
Nicole: Mine
Nicole: Mine
Me : Thats an $80 light..I mean its meant to be cant lose or drop or lend it out.
Nicole : Mine
Me : You know I tested over 100 lights hun and only kept like 5
Nicole : Mine
Me : I love you more then the world hun, BUT I draw the line here.
Nicole : Mine Mine Mine
**As a man and the king of the house, NO way she was getting that light.I wear the pants..I got the grapefruits. I lost my T5 last a new one on order.
Cant win em all
My 2cents :sigh:
Me:Ok hun lets head back, been an hour
Nicole: Mine
Nicole: Mine
Me : Thats an $80 light..I mean its meant to be cant lose or drop or lend it out.
Nicole : Mine
Me : You know I tested over 100 lights hun and only kept like 5
Nicole : Mine
Me : I love you more then the world hun, BUT I draw the line here.
Nicole : Mine Mine Mine
**As a man and the king of the house, NO way she was getting that light.I wear the pants..I got the grapefruits. I lost my T5 last a new one on order.
Cant win em all
My 2cents :sigh: