How Karioki saved my Li_ION batteries


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
I think I figured out what it takes to revive these dead cells.
we keep thinking that batteris are nothing more than inatimate objects, yet they come from elements of this earth.
and what better to wake up the elements of this earth than Karioke? it gets people off thier feet, gets the best heckles out of them, makes them laugh, energizes them one way or another.

so i just hooked the batteries up to the karioke machine, and started singing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

now for the scientiferic exploidation.
I tried for hours and hours, very tiny charges, and it just doesnt cut it.
it starts to work, then the chemical reaction breaks, the voltage drops, even though the current is still going to them.

so then i got sick of waiting, i could get pulses to take in the batteries, but even after getting them up and active, putting them on the normal non-pulsed charge wasn't going to cut it.
so i went to the OLD standby method, get the 12v 6a car charger, and hit em where it hurts, by pulsing in tiny ammounts a high voltage high amperage, it started taking juice, them chemicals started connecting back again.

i couldn't sit there doing this manually, especially for 25 sets, so i had to devise a method that would do it for me.

all i needed was a pulse charger, that would slam them, so i put a diode on the speaker output.

I need recomendations as to the type of music you think would be suitable for a battery?

When the japanese hit pearl harbor one of the high up peoples said "We have awakened a sleeping giant" now they make all our clock radios. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif
it must be working, 2 of them got a bit overcharged, each one will run 10x3W luxeons, but strangly the light seems to be pulsing to the music now Hmmmm :)

i got 5 running by blasting them

there were 2 though that were tied together aufully close, after the music stopped i heard weird squeaking sounds then they started smoking, after that a hearing aid battery popped out of one of them. :)
I will be releacing my new CD this week
"Music to Charge by"
including favorite tunes
"Charge Me UP"
"Lazeres lives"
"Pulse Magic"
"The Li-Ion King"
it will have on it your favorite radio #1 hit
"Please dont leave me 123"
and that #2 Hit song
"Power To the Rechargable People"
test finished :-(
25% recovery. :-( Of this Last set.
note, about 80 batteries of 110, just worked without any problems, they did not get or need, individual attention.
(so much to explain, so little time)

it might be hard to explain the motly crew of batteries i have and the stupid ways i tried to charge them.

The first 4:
4 cells were perfect, they came out of a sony pack 2 years ago, when 2 of 6 vented, so that is 4 that i KNEW should work if i could possibly do it correct. they were not included in the pack with the others.

i tried 01c on them, and the chemicals did not ketch
so i blasted 2 with the car charger, and as soon as the voltage went high in them, i rushed them to the normal charger, and charged them at .3-.5
they are ok.
i Never let them heat up, i just tapped the cell with the leads, to pulse this in.

Notes: the car charger method must be explained, i have to put a Lamp in between so the extra voltage lights the lamp, so i dont break the charger. the lamp allowed the passing of 3-5-7 amps depending on how it was configured.
i used 5 and 7.

One i put on the dioded output of the stereo, and it basically did the same thing. it got hit with high voltage pulses, at lower amperage, and it came back to life too.

Notes on stereo charging:
keep the speaker IN the curcuit (so you dont toast your stereo), diode must send the voltage in the correct direction.
this is a totally foolish method :) i just did not have a pulse charger.

One of them (GRRR) that was in the same condition, same everything, was put on 2 different VERY low charges, one like 10-25ma max, and one at .1c about 100-150ma
i just left it there, and left it there, and i knew the voltage wasnt taking, but i was SURE one of these methods would work.
it now wont start no mater what method i used, it did not get heated. i cant be positive that it would be ok with a different method, but of all of them this one should have.

the Other OLD crusty cells:
most of them started up normal, some had a bit of voltage, some fully 0ed out from Self-discharge
(remember ALL of this is from time, not hard discharging them)

same thing, the ones that i tried for a DAY or more to low current them would not do squat. BUT for all i know they were already DESTROYED, they had been heated, they had been charged, they had everything done to them, before i used pulsing. so they are not a good Control group.

a tripple pack of them (old crusty ones) came around when i stereo pulsed them.

a double pack, and some others of them, came around when i car charger pulsed them.

once any of them got to a reasonable voltage, and HELD it, it was moved to normal charging.

all the good ones take some kind of charge and hold it (the ones that started taking)
it is totally unknown the capacity of them at this point.

this was a Trash to operational effort, in no way is it proper methods or anything, i had "Nothing To Lose".

i hope that explains it.
my Theory is:
A SELF-discharged cell should be Pulsed, somehow , not charged normally till it gets to and holds about 2.5v
then charged normally.
because li-ion doesnt mind trickle charging, trickle charging might be good on its first cycle. but only AFTER getting the chemicals to ketch with pulsing.
if the chemicals dont ketch, it keeps ruining it further.


I have recharged a li-ion that was running 2 5mm superbrights from 0 back to life, a few times, i did not even know about this low thing.
but Normally leds are so low (below 3v), that i never discharge them that far, so the info is of little use to anything other than SELF discharge.