How many knives have you ordered so far in 2025 ?

Hmmmm , used to be a flashaholic !
Now I am a knife a holic ...
So I guess if I have to have a VICE , then knife'a'holism isn't the worst .
At the end of the day , I still have the knives . And if anything , they grow in value .
Especially all those older American knives I purchased over 10 years ago ( Maybe more like over 15 years ago ) .
All those $15 to $25 knives are like $100+ knives now .
it's not like drinking money , or eating money , or smoking money or snorting money .
It's money that has been transferred into stuff , that can be turned into money again .

Hmmm , that's good stuff . I don't mind converting money into knives . Maybe 10 years from now ill convert them back into money ?
You'd probably fair better with the S&P 500, but there are certainly worse addictions. Definitely less interesting and more expensive ones.

Fixed blades are much cheaper than cars and healthier than wines. Less pretentious too.

Flashaholic...knifeaholic...It's good to diversify!
Six knives so far for 2025 is a good start! I'm only at three so far myself…a BRKT, a NKD, and a custom.
Jan 07-25 , which is one week ! & I am up to 6 ... Not quite one a day !
You are indeed addicted to knives. :) So, what did you got this year?

If last trimester from '24 counts, then I got Cold Steel Katana Machete 97TKMS (very-very appealing, I totally love it; it's sharper than I was expecting, dangerously sharper actually) and Cold Steel African Walking Stick 91WAS (not a knife, but it should be helpful as collectable or self-defense).
none yet, but seeing how Spyderco actually dropped prices for 2025 (a move that one can't help seeing as a thumbed nose at Benchmade), I am looking pretty hard at picking up one or two that I wouldn't mind adding to the stable at some point.
I feel this 100%. I got a Leafjumper late last year on a pretty ridiculous sale and their outlet is practically within walking distance from me. I'm holding on for dear life to not go browsing it right now.
So, Crucible declared bankruptcy. I'm not super sure what this means for those of us who love certain steels (any steel that begins w/ "CPM" is from them. Like S30V, 3V, 4V, 10V, 15V, S35VN, S45VN, M4, CruWear, Rex 45, Rex 121, Magnacut, Magnatuff, etc). These guys were the developers of large scale powder metallurgy.
The effects of their '09 bankruptcy was not great.

Hopefully Niagra steel can still find suppliers and keep up w/ demand. They've always been good to knifemakers.

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I received 5 Spyderco knives last week i ordered in late late December. 2)Para 3 lightweights in the Spy 27 steel, 1)Para 3 Camo G-10 in S45VN and 2)Centafonte's in FRN with VG-10 Steel just because i always wanted a Centefonte. Two of the Para 3's are birthday gifts. Well make that 3 as my birthday is in January and i'm keeping one of them. #1 son in March #2 son in June. They both lost their first Para 3's.
I lost an original Delica in the 90's at a Go-Karting park. Probably fell out and onto the floor of the Kart is my guess.

Not one of the knives i received but the one i am currently carrying. Para Military 2 G-10 S30V steel with a rare one off tanto blade because who doesn't like a picture of a knife? Who?
My son likes Benchmade. He has a few and dare i say has lost a few. Both my sons lost their Para 3 lightweight's. I never caught that bug thankfully. I find the Spydie hole is my preferred way of deploying the blade. I'm sure i could have with practice gotten used to the post style but just too many Spydercos to collect.
Just ordered my first one this year. Spyderco Para Military 2 Brown Micarta w/Cru Wear steel. A Cru Carta?
I usually carry a Para 3 but been toting my PM2 Tanto to see if i like the slightly longer knife and i find it's just fine.
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Nice knives everyone! I've been on a fixed blade kick for a while including fixed blades for front pocket carry. Here are three I picked up this year: an NKD Lizard in 12C27 with plum burlap; a BRKT JX6 in Magnacut with stabilized cherry; and BRKT EXT-2 in 3V.


In 2025 I have bought a spyderco salt2, benchmade intersect and zero tolerance 0350. I just need a good filet knife. After that o don't need anymore knives for a long time lol
From 7 to 10 @ the end of Jan 2025 ..

So for the first month of 2025 = 10 knives ..

To add to the purchase list ...

Hunter 11 Bowie
HUA-AO D2 = One funky knife !
Chinese 0545
Just ordered the following:
1) Cold Steel Urban Pal
2) Cold Steel Mini Pal
3) Boker Plus Cheus folder

Already own 1 and 2 but wanted spares for each one.
Number three is just for the collection.
Artistic folding daggers are not looked upon kindly by law-enforcement if you EDC them.