How many lights do you have strategically placed


Aug 10, 2015
Im mostyly a duty user, but find the amount of lights I own has crept up to about 12 of various types)mostly trying a new type and superceeding an older one). I know some of you guys have serious collections so curious you handle them

Do you have a few placed around key areas of your life/home, do you put the surplus in a display case, do you just throw them all in a draw? Im a simple creature and confused by clutter which is why I dont collect things lol, and wondering if I should put them around the place or just keep them in a draw.

I'm also stressed by the idea of maintaining lights, recharging, checking those with parasitic drain etc , I have enough issues remembering to feed my cat.

. These are the sort of first world issues confronting me here at 751pm this evening in Australia.
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Majority of my lights are in my bedroom but I got a couple stashed around. I got a cheap Ozark Trail 50 in the living room with the alkalines stored in a box. A 2AA Minimag in the bedroom sink area with a 3AAA string light a 4AA Duracell light in bedroom bathroom with a 3AAA string light, A Dorcy 3AA in the bathroom along with a 4AA Energizer flashlight/lantern and 3AAA string light and a 2AA Coast G34 in the kitchen.

None of these lights have parasitic drain, not sure on the Coast G34 as it has some Enercell AA Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeables in them but they hold up for months before recharging them. (They're not low self discharge like Eneloops). Most of my flashlights don't have parasitc drain (that I have found anyway) but I found my Nitecore EA81 (8AA) seems to drain the batteries within a year or so as I found my Eneloops in them were almost dead.

So they don't get stored in the light. Although it might have been possible I wasn't aware of how drained the cells may have been even though it has a battery level indicator on it. Might have not been aware the flash indicator for easy access at night was on either which would account for the mysterious drain. I try to have extra Eneloops stored in the drawer by any chance I might encounter a flashlight with dying batteries in a power outage.
I keep an HDS Rotary on my nightstand, a yellow G2 on my desk, and a 4Sevens Quark Mini CR2 on my car key. The rest of my lights are on a shelf in a bookcase. I choose lights from the shelf, sometimes in rotation and sometimes at random, to carry or to use around the house.
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How many? Just a couple/few around the house. Most are cheap, but work when I need them to type lamps.
1 2xAA in/on the nightstand.
1 3xC at my desk.
1 3xD rechargeable area light in a cabinet where several other emergency thingys get kept. Easy access by everyone and easily found in the dark.
1 5D m@g with LED/rechargeable upgrades more as a functional toy than anything. (I don't need 4k+ lms but for reasons most likely blamed on testosterone I now have one)
Several LED AA of various brands around the house/garage just because I often need one but don't want to carry one around if I don't have to. (it will get set down someplace and forgotten about for months or years and become an archaeological find in less than optimum condition at some point) So I have several of unknown number around the house.
I would say I have 11 lights strategically placed not including my EDC's or vehicle

-2 x 1 at each entrance
-2 x 1 at the top of each stair case
-1 dedicated one on the nightstand next to my bed although there are many there
-1 mounted next to my 3d printer because I often need to look closely at the print head.
-1 next to the storage room under the stairs that has no lights.
-1 that seems to have found a permanent home on my coffee table
-3 x 1 on each of my tool chests although these are no longer intentional since I moved and changed jobs, they just have dedicated mounts on the tool chests.

Although not permanent I also have a 2AAA nemo mitylite with the glow head hanging on my shower head. The power has been quite iffy in my area due to the large number of construction projects going on. When the lights go out in that bathroom it is a total black out.
Ive got a Malkoff 361 in a P60 and an E2XT by the front door, and HDS rotary on the nightstand. The nightstand also gets whatever light was in my pocket that day. That's pretty much it for strategy, I generally always have one in my pocket, as long as I've got pockets on.
Honestly, just a handful. Even a roomy One-bedroom apartment doesn't require much if there's a light in every room.
Most are on my large bathroom vanity, but I have them in various places. After 36 years here in my condo, I can find stuff in pitch black darkness.

Even the bathroom!

Most are on a shelf in my closet that's next to my bed. I keep one on a magnet on the fridge. One in the bathroom. Pretty much it. I keep one in my pocket until I'm in bed.
My kids have a bunch of cheap ones scattered around with disposable batteries.
Four. One* on my bedside, one** on my mother's, one** in the living room and one*** in a kitchen drawer.

*: Convoy S2+ SST20 2700K
**: Convoy S2 (old model similar to the S6) XM-L2 T6 4C, 4000K-ish
***: Olight S2 Baton XP-L

Out of these, my bedside light sees the most use by far, while the drawer one sees the least.

Editing to add: If a vehicle light counts, I have a Convoy M2 SST20 5000K in the central console of my hatchback. Now that one sees quite a bit of use.
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If having lights everywhere isn't strategic, I don't know what is.
I have light(s) usually within arms distance.
Lets see- 11 where I sit every eve/morning, 1 in pocket, 3 on nightstand, 1 in master bath, 2 by the back door, 6 in the garage and at least one in every vehicle.
I don't know how strategic one would consider my light placement, but I keep 2 (1 LED/ 1 Incan) on the nightstand, 2 (1 LED/ 1 Incan) in the car, 2 (1 LED/ 1 Incan) in my desk, and 1 (LED) in the toolbox.

When I go hiking (day or night), I usually carry at least 2.. one LED handheld and one LED headlamp that use the same cell at a minimum. Also, in or attached to my backpack, and sometimes on my keyring, I also have Nite Ize Radiant Microlights. They weigh hardly anything, so they are almost "free" to carry when hiking.
Without counting, I easily have 40+ lights. Might be closer to 60. Probably only 15-20 flashlights.

As far as around my condos, I have a bunch of the Mr. Beams lights. At the top and bottom of the staircases are MB530s which have a dim glow at night and go to full brightness on motion. I also have these next to beds, in the kitchen, and in the bathrooms. The last one was VERY handy last week with Debby as the power went out right as I was in the bathroom. I also have a bunch of the MB500/MB500A marker lights around, generally hallways and anywhere I might stub a toe.

Lanterns...those are mostly stored in the utility closets. I have at least 20 lanterns in various form factors because of the hurricane. Having various lights which use different size batteries is nice when batteries are in short supply.

Flashlights... I keep an SC31Pro next to the bed, as well as a BLF LT1 Mini. Their illuminated power buttons make them invaluable. I also keep an SC31Pro in the living room on the coffee table. The rest of the flashlights are either in luggage, backpacks, cars, etc.

Other battery powered lighting (string/festival lights, LED strips, etc.) are mixed between gear bags, suitcases, and the utility closet.
"Strategically placed"? None. I'm lucky if I can remember where they are.

Haha, JK. My Nitecore EC11 is always in my EDC pouch in my handbag, which is either on my shoulder, in my bike basket, or next to my bed. My Fenix PD36 TAC is always on a mount on my bicycle handlebars, and my old Nite-Ize Inova X1 is on my kitchen table for use around the house. All my other lights are kept in a Plano 3700 tackle box, because they are all for backpacking/camping/travel. There's a second tackle box filled with old lights I never use anymore and new lights I got for free that I'll never use but intend to give away to some unsuspecting sucker/deserving person.

My next purchase is going to be a Fenix TK22 TAC, and that will be my new bicycle headlamp, while the PD36 TAC will become my nightstand light. But right now, I'm busy spending my money on other things.
i have at least a dozen placed in strategic spots plus vehicles. everything gets charged when the clocks get changed for daylight saving time.
I always thought it was prudent to have miscellaneous lights placed around the house. In the event of an outage you don't have to stumble around looking for a light source....I thought my wife was on board until our recent move when she half jokingly said "This is a grown up house we don't need flashlights all over the place"...
Fast forward 2 days later, I'm at the casino with my sisters having dinner and my wife calls in a panic. "The powers out! It's so dark here! Where are the lights?" I told her I was almost done with dinner and to use her phone until I got home 😂😂
I teased her for a minute before telling her there was a light in the drawer on the coffee table right in front if her.

I now have lanterns and other lights placed around the house and she knows where every single one is!