How many own Arc lite


Newly Enlightened
Jul 17, 2001
Mad WI
An Arc lite is on its way to me ordered from Brightguy. I couldn't wait so I purchased a Brinkmann from Walmart. The latter is really nice and I'm sure the Arc will be as sweet if not more so! Do I have all I need in an LED flashlight? How many people have the Arc lite?
Great site!!
Thanks for purchasing the Arc-AAA flashlight! I am the president of the company (just in case you didn't know).

There are other great lights to be had from us and others. What kind of tasks do you use a light for and what features do you want? I am sure the regulars on this forum can offer some good advice.

Btw, if this is your first foray into LED flashlights, welcome to the LED hobby/obsession!

Peter Gransee
Welcome Roguesoul, first off read the threads on Botach company before ordering from them. Your question should probably be...does anyone NOT have an AAA Arc. We all love our Arc lights but, don`t like to say to much lest Gransee grow a big head...we`re drolling all over ourselves waiting for the Arc LS to come out.

Whether I have enough lights is a question I ask myself often...and the answer is always...just one more...In my opinion, a minimuim should include...Arc light...Lightwave 4000...Surefire E-2 or similar combination. I have 10 led lights (several of them are Photons) collection pales compared to some...for example, I think Telephony has more than 10...Brock might have more than me as well...I do hold the record for wasteing the most web space in this forum and having the least number of spelling errors.
Oh... there are so many led lights and so little time. I have an arc among about 15 other led lights, and don't get me started on all of the Surefires I have and a variety of streamlights etc.....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KenB:
I have 10 led lights (several of them are Photons) collection pales compared to some...for example, I think Telephony has more than 10...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I've got somewhere between 130 and 150 of them, in all shapes, sizes, and qualities.
And I have a website about them, which at last check clocks in at 18,721,695 Bytes worth of LED and LED flashlight data...

The obsession is real.
Telephony has more light then I do, I only have about 100, and I caught the bug from him so I am going to blame it on him.

Hey I miss spell stuff all the time and then post it to my web site. Then I get email with nothing but typo corrections in it
At least I know someone reads the stuff.
Not only do most of us own at least one Arc-AAA, I believe many of us have ordered the second generation Arc-AAA as well. This should be what is on the way to you and has dealt with the problem of the gasket.

I own quite a few other types of LED flashlights. However, the problem I have identified with LEDs at the present stage is that they are perfect for personal pocket flashlights (Arc-AAA, CMG Infinity, Photon), personal area worklights (Princeton Tec Matrix, Petzl Tikka), but not very good for those long-throw, spotlighting applications. This is where xenon and halogen incandescents come in to their own.

So if you find yourself buying some of the larger LED flashlights (14 LEDs or more), you can be sure you have left the realm of reason and ventured in to obsession. But don't worry, you are not alone.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
Telephony has more light then I do, I only have about 100, and I caught the bug from him so I am going to blame it on him.


Remember, I started in April 2000 with two LED flashlights: a yellow Infinity and a red Infinity. Look what a year & a handful of months can do.

Now I can't turn around without running into a flashlight.

The typical Friday or Saturday night for me is not going clubbing or raiding the liquor cabinet, it's putting on a pot of coffee, loading up SIDPlayer on the computer for a bit of background music, setting up test instruments & cameras, and gathering up the latest "victims" for another round of testing.

This typically goes on until 2 or 3 in the morning, by which time the coffeepot is empty, the toilet is full, and another few hundred K of web material is published and being read by my adoring fans (and a few @$$holes who criticise everything as well).
Then Sunday rolls around... time to see how many dozen e-mails I got as a result of the new material posted the previous night.

A few days later, this vicious cycle begins anew.
Welcome Roguesoul!

I'm a fairly new member here myself (about 3-4 weeks) and I am sad to say (I fully anticipate reprimands from the peanut gallery) I don't own an Arc Flashlight.

I have found that LED lights do fill a specific niche in the market for small personal lighting solutions and do a pretty good job. I do have 3 Photons and now I wish that I knew about Arc before I bought them just to take advantage of the savings in battery cost!

Also, thanks to the incredible knowledge base to be found here, I learned about and successfully converted an incandescent bulb to a 3-led PR-base bulb that I can use in any 6V flashlight (tight fit to get 3 5mm leds to fit, but it worked)! Once you catch the fever, it's hard to stop!

Read away and have fun!


BTW, I have been posting links to help out new members. Peruse around and see if they are useful!
Gransee, Yep hehe, I knew since I've read many of the threads and been lurking here for a while now. Primary use will be things such as night time bathroom trips... and shinning the inside of the car before I hop in, it's dark when I leave for work in the morning. I've had a 4d MagLite forever and I just don't need that much light. The ArcAAA should be perfect!

KenB, I used Botach before and knew what to expect so I wasn't that unhappy with my order. They did have a big sale on the exact stuff I ordered after I received it"Doh". The order did take awhile to ship, again that was expected. Arc LS could be an option for me too. I'd love a very bright light with cheap usage costs. Thank god for spell checkers I sure can relate...

telephony, Good site I've visited there more than once.

My ArcFlashLight shipped Monday so I'm hopeful it'll arrive today.

Thanks to everyone who I didn't respond to personally. It took me almost forever to peck-in/out this response.
Got Arc? Impressive LITTLE light. It finally got dark enough to use it. I've had it since 2pm CDT. and even though its got a NiMH battery wow!!!
I just reserved the LS model!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brock:
Hey I miss spell stuff all the time and then post it to my web site. Then I get email with nothing but typo corrections in it
At least I know someone reads the stuff.

Hey, I can't help it. I did a lot of technical writing and a lot more technical editing, and it comes naturally.

I kind of took it as a hobby (yick) along w/ all the others. If I came across a site w/ design/ contruction/ spelling problems, I would pull the html down, edit it, reformat it, etc., and then send it to the owner. Weird hobby, eh? I've been able to cut down on it only by weening myself off onto other pursuits...

Hydroponics, firearms, libertarian activism, and of course, LED lighting. Whew.

If I came across a site w/ design/ contruction/ spelling problems, I would pull the html down, edit it, reformat it, etc., and then send it to the owner.

Whatever you do, don`t look at my site`s code- you`ll be there all year putting that lot right
! Entirely hand made, much of it done in the small hours of the morning after more than one alcoholic beverage, and I can`t type to save my lfie either!

I`m forever editing these posts to correct typing errors!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris M.:

Whatever you do, don`t look at my site`s code- you`ll be there all year putting that lot right
! Entirely hand made, much of it done in the small hours of the morning after more than one alcoholic beverage, and I can`t type to save my lfie either!


Hope he doesn't do that to me either.
My site was built byte by byte using a straight text editor, typing tags and URLs in by hand, and like yours, often after a few hours at the local booze hut.

I often send several corrections, one after another, some hours later when I notice formatting or typographical errors.
Don't worry guys, I quit that stuff when I discovered girls, er, LED Flashlights.

My kids found the last Dorcy Ice Blue in WM tonight... when I went to look for the display, I couldn't find it... clerk told me he had just given the last one away to two kids...

Not greatly impressed, but I might keep it.

Saw the Energizer twin-tube LED light. Had to buy it to test it. I'm am sooo un-impressed. I'm going to try it w/ aluminum foil (until I can find some reflectorized mylar) behind the "bubs" to see if that helps. If it doesn't do SOMEthing for it, then WM gets it back, w/ my compliments. Lame.