How many people here have cats?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2005
I just have one cat now, after losing 2 to old age: a very sweet natured and extremely well behaved Calico. She's around 8-9 years old.

I work such long hours, I'm gone for 12 hours a day, I can't have a dog.

And, you never have to walk a cat when it's 10 below zero...

Cats make NEAT pets; they have a LOT of personality, and are good company if you live alone. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

So... how may other 'cat people' are there on CPF?
We have a cat. No dogs as to not home enough.
Go figure a "mut" without a dog. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

We're pet people.
1- cat
1-7' long red tail boa
1-9" long 25 cent feeder gold fish, about 4 years old.
1-quarter horse
11 rats (snake chow)
All that & we're at a 15 year low.

i love cats..... they taste just like chicken.

just kidding, got 2.

No Cats, But i have Fish. African cichlids, some snails and oh....... i lie!!!!!

I have a CATFISH!!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
We have 4 now. The reason we have 4 is that I won't let my wife have 5, or 6, or ...

My daughter has 3 so between us that makes 7.
I love my cat. I would be crushed without him.

In a sub-tropical climate, cats earn their own keep. Ours will chase anything unlucky enough to stumble into our house. He mostly chases bugs but he also makes short work of the occasional mouse.

When he can't find anything else he chases bugs in the 4th dimension, which only he can see.
My downstairs housemate has a kitty cat named Max.
I get to feed him once in awhile, but my downstairs housemate takes care of the rectangular plastic cat toliet. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
We're not allowed to have pets in my house but my folks have a cat I miss - Mitzi

Size15's said:
We're not allowed to have pets in my house but my folks have a cat I miss - Mitzi

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif My parents have a cat called Mitzi!
We have a cat - he's named "Dumbledore", but I like to think of him as "He who does not know where the litterbox is located." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif

He's a nice cat though. Himalayan with blue eyes and seal points. Here's what he looked like, as a kitten, about 4 years ago:


Sorry I don't have a more current pictures - that's the last time I've ever gotten him to be still enough to take a picture. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Don't know what I'd do, without my cat. He's a black domestic short hair, and is long and tall, with golden eyes. Has one hell of a personality! He's a little devil. Zoro turned three, a few days ago. He takes a running jump, bouncing off my chest, to get my attention. All 16 pounds of him. Must be practicing CPR! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Now that I own a condo, I think about getting a cat. But I would go to the animal shelter and pick one with a mild personality. My mother has a nice and sweet cat but my sister has two yawlers. They will yawl anytime, even in the middle of the night if they think they should be fed. Likewise my brother has one that scratches everything. She has ruined more then one outside screen window because she will jump on it, even in the middle of the night if she thinks she wants to come in and nobody is at the door. So you never know what you are going to get and that is what I'm afraid of.
My wife and I have three cats: George, Martha, and Fox. Bonus points to anyone who can get the reference (hint, we are both librarians).
I have a cat! Two of them actually but I only like one of them. Her name is Binx and she is about 10 years old. Very pretty tuxedo cat.
We have 2 cats - Coquette and Tuxedo. Coquette is just over 14, Tux just over 12. Coqueet has Cronic RenalFalure (under control!) and Tux is in remission from cancer