How powerful is your greene?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2005
Anyone here interested in having their OEM diode pointer output quantified? I will soon have an accurate <1% error green coherent light filtered analog meter. I am also making a high power green laser meter for the ~200mw CNI or Laserglow handheld OEM units.

I have a physics, chemistry, and electronics background I also have a masters degree, plus two associate degrees in electronics and years of research experience. I now have several 532nm 'handheld lasers' to compare to, including the "Jasper" that is claimed as auto output power adjusted to ~5mw-- it has been featured in the national media recently.

My current meter is high-tech high dollar, and it
is a filtered Selenium Sulfide Cell, and it was made by a tech that has worked for GE since the 1950's.

I would do this basically free; just USPS shipping, tracking, insurance and a small handling charge
included. USA only for now please.

My email is [email protected]

Please remove -nospam- to reply. I also do eBay sales (LuckyTexan) and wanted to see if anyone was interested.
DarkLight said:
why didnt you just build your own then?

That looks like a poj to me ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Luckytexan is kindly offering a service here.I haven't heard any complaints yet about these units, sure its not a a coherent laser check, but if it works, it works. I prefer performance over looks any day. The only problem i see with those particular units is they only go up to 70mW /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

I'd say there are plenty of people out there who have modded their own laser (or bought a laser), but lack precise tools to test the output.
Yeah the meter is the same as mine...good seller by the way...helps you out in anyway he can if you have a problem.

There is some interesting history surrounding these meters ... they are more than 50 years old and were initially used for photography exposure. They have been re-built and re-calibrated for 532nm and the accuracy is amazing.

I have checked my meter with the expensive coherent type and the accuracy is less than 1% out.

Beat that for a Leadlight ... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif ...well with a Nebulus or Phoenix you will but I mean modified yourself.

I expect if I point a 150mw PGL-III at it...

*Distant rumble.*

Error - Connection to host lost.
well thats a good product anecdote....I take back my poj comment...but I would be wary of a new guy looking to "test" your "high power" therefore "illegal" pointers....

Or am I wrong?

AFAIK once you mod a pointer over 5 mw "past sticker rating" it is at best in a grey area...
Yes those meters are actually accurate for being a little on the old side. I have one also that has been checked against a modern meter and its well within 1-3% Great for checking greenes.
I have moded a few of these for carry-arounds..the trick was in calibrating against a known lab instrument...thankfully they used a linear-movement that matchs the linearity of the cell,finding the right material for making the attenuator was the trick for me..
I may sell off a few as they seem to be getting popular.
I do like that Coherent tho...very nice /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif
Like someone said: "Experience is the best teacher."

From what I can tell my GE modified DPSS Green Lase Meter is accurate. I only have two green lasers so far; story follows:

Sorry I took so long to respond; I just got my DPSS Green meter, I had tripped over a chair, got a scrape and developed a life-threatening Staph infection before all my stuff got here. The pkg I thought was from bigha a "Jasper"
turned out to be yet another item I ordered on the same day. Jaspers are now BO indefinitely as far as I know.

Anyway my STD leadlite from "ScopeStuff" peaks at 10mw and settles at 7-9mw. Its a good one as far as I can tell. Ambient temp does not seem to matter much for the leadlight-- I would expect the "Jasper" when I get it will be about 5-7mw steady due to its pwr feedback temp ckt. In contrast my new "Extreme Light Saber" pen will do about 50-80mw @ 45-50deg. F, less or more heat reduces output drastically.
I accidently left my 'Extreme Laser' in the garage last night, and it was a cold night -- upon testing in the a.m. with my GE Lux modded Green DPSS Analog Meter (CP Forums or EBay)it promptly pegged the 100mw max, meter all the way off its analog scale. I then burned a straight pin diameter sized hole right through a thick black plastic garbage bag in ~20- 30 sec! Once it heats up (ambient) I am now lucky to get 15 or 20mw. Its not much use for what I need to do here, we get about 3 months out of the whole year with temps below
50 deg. F-- heheh. The 'Sun Belt.' BTW NOAH is predicting this summer to be the hottest on record.

Sorry to be so long winded here, the point is: In science any quantitative measurement may (will) depend on many variables. So I can ask, 40-50 mw under what conditions?

Green laser power measurement is just not as simple and straightforward as I first thought. I am still planning on building some pwr meters once I sort out my data results.

It is interesting and it is fun!
Glad you are better LuckyTexan /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif

A few people might have been thinking...... "well, he didn't last long....."

once again, welcome back /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

EDIT: heh heh heh...... NotSoLuckyTexan /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I used to have one of those G-E light meters a long time ago. At the time I bought it because I was fascinated by solar cells and this was one of the few sources of photovoltaics available to hobbyists. That meter is probably now stashed away in a dark dusty corner of a garage somewhere. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif