I have a Luxeon I in a 3D maglite. Maximum slug temp is about 30C, running at 580mA, Vf~3.5V, at 15C/W thermal resistance, that gives a Tj of about 60C.
I also have two Luxeon V in 2D maglites. Maximum slug temp is around 45C, running at 750mA, Vf=6.8V in one, 6.24V in another. With 8C/W j-s thermal resistance, that gives Tjs of 86C and 82C respectively. It's really hard to get a Luxeon V to run much cooler than that.
Note: These figures are after the light has been powered up for > 1/2 hour, free standing, and reaching thermal equilibrium - so that's all the higher the junction temperature will get.