How to enlarge a M*gcharger reflector?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2008
SO I am trying to play again slowly and cheaply at first into Incans.

I have two M*gchrgers, one has the Malkoff unit in it, but the other
is about to get a Phillips 5761 bulb.

I could just drill it out but fear I might degrade the reflector no matter what side
I try and drill from.

Are you folks using a diversibit?

Please let me know the best way to do this as I don't want to ruin it if I have a choice.

Thanks gang!
Best way to do it is on a lathe I think. At least that's how I'm doing it.
Hmmm. I don't have a lathe though.

I'm thinking a hole enlarger would do the trick... Here's to home modifications!

Going to head to Lowe's this coming week off and see what I can find.

DT5026 might do the trick...

Yes, this might do the trick. I suppose you are going to use this in a drill-press? Work slowly (very low rpm) and keep the hole centered.
Yes, this might do the trick. I suppose you are going to use this in a drill-press? Work slowly (very low rpm) and keep the hole centered.

I wish,

Going to be slow and steady in a handheld cordless....
So I learned that a Unibit from Lowes for about 17 dollars does work in a handheld cordless BUT you need to take your time. As I went and pushed to hard the first time and cracked and chipped the metal
reflector part badly enough it is now trashed...

I was a little ticked but I had two so I went slower on the second and got it enlarged easily...
I warned you to work slowly....:whoopin: Good to hear the second one survived the torture. :)
I praise you for doing this with a handheld cordless! :eek: :thumbsup:

Yeah just took my time and didn't press to hard on the second one. The bit is nice in that it wants to sit at each lever of diameter so once you get it cut yo the next tier you can feel and not over do it.

I just didn't anticipate the force needed or lack of I guess to get to each level.
Oh yeah. Love it with the Phillips 5761!

I just wanted to be able to run another M*gCharger with a lower output bulb in it. I recently got two Hikari bulbs.

I wish I had a third M*gCharger to get another one of your reflectors for.