How to make your Infinity Task Light just that little bit brighter.....

Chris M.

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2001
South Wales, UK
Well I`ve been playing with my Infinity lights for a few days now, and also my PAL-gold I got at the same time, and have come up with a way to make the white Infinity a little bit brighter.
This will only work if you also own a PAL-Gold and don`t like the rings caused by its internal reflector! It`s also best with White Infinitys.

Simply take your PAL gold, pop out the lens and carefully pry the reflector loose too. Careful- it`s thin and can crack and scratch easilly (he says cos he cracked and scratched his
!!). Pop back the lens and presto- your PAL is ringless and not noticeably dimmer either
. Now take this newly removed lens, stick a blob of something sticky on the back (I used blue-tack but hotmelt glue may do if you`re very careful and apply only a tiny bit) and push it into the face of your white Infinity, all the way till the rim sits flat against the Infinity`s front bezel. There. Wasn`t that easy? You should now have a light that looks like that one over there on the right, and hopefully not have glue on the lens, LED and your fingers.

So how much brighter does it make it? Well first I should say that it doesn`t focus the side spill straight into the middle of the beam unfortunately, it`s wider and does lead to a fairly noticeable ring of sorts. Anyway take a look at the following beam target pics to see for yourself the improvement or otherwise....


These pics were taken with the camera`s iris manually set- and auto/gain turned off, so the exposure was exactly the same for both, and you can see a noticeable brightness with the lens.

If you like it- try it. Tell your friends. Tell CMG! It can`t hurt.

Thanks Chris for getting me to
thinking about the respected Infinity again....
If you have a PalGold try THIS:
-Take only the lens from th PalGold and affix it to the white Infinity-convex side facing the LED.
Result: a stronger BEAM that even allows reading labels
on boxes way across a dark room.
-No rings at all, but visible are the leads that go to th chip
(not bothersome and no "dogbone" effect)
-Only problem now is that I sure
need another lens for my Pal lite....

Doug- I did try the lens on it with and without the reflector, and both ways round, and got some good looking beams from it. Well the white anyway. Trouble is I couldn`t find an effective way to secure it, plus it left a gaping hole in the top of my PAL. So I put it back. If only I could find a similar lens somewhere without buying and dissecting another PAL.

I'm going to order several 14mm
lenses from -they're
inexpensive & will give some interesting results, I think..
(By the time I get them, I hope to also have a camera to show some pix).
I have used spray chrome paint from Discount Auto to chrome up the reflector areas in my Expedition, PLW and just about ever thing else. I haven`t done it to my Infinity as I had already scrapped the paint off and polished the reflector before I saw this, but the spray can was not to expensive, works great and should last me a long time as it`s still almost full.
This one is made by plasti-kote..."bumper chrome... fast dry finish, brilliant lustre"...but I`m sure most auto stores will have something similar...maybe even better.
Well... there is another way that has been discussed a little will also work quite well, and you don't need to cannabalise your PAL. (Gosh! That line sounds terrible!

Anyways... the "paint" or whatever that CMG uses can come off (note: I don't think this will work with the new generation Infinities because it is anodized, not painted). In fact, the paint on the "reflector" cone on one of mine, has almost completely come off (with a little bit of help from me. Just a tiny little! I swear!) A bit of careful polishing using a Dremel, a bit of cotton wrapped thinly around a toothpick and some toothpaste (don't use gel toothpastes. They have no grit), and Voila! you got the same effect as using the reflector from the PAL.

A note of warning... be very careful not to grind the LED. Alternatively, though this will almost definitely void the warranty, you can break off the metal that retains the electronics module. This allows you to pop out the module with the LED, marvel at the minature electronics and polish the cone without worrying about grinding the LED.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>and push it into the face of your white Infinity, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And they called me a butcher?
And they called me a butcher?

Hey don`t worry- it comes back out again if you use blue-tack to stick it in like I did!