How to mod a Huntlight FT02XSE with Cree or Seoul?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2007
I am new to modding flashlights and would like to know if anyone knows how to modify the Huntlight FT02X SE with a Seoul or Cree emitter, are there drop in mods or should it be soldered and which led module works better for the huntlight the Seoul or the Cree? Thanks for all the help in advance.
i used SSC P4
Thanks Kostas, just what I was looking for. Do you think that just the emitter swap will work or is it really necessary to use the copper bit in between?
as far as the guys have told me you need to use the disc to raise the led in proper focus height regarding the reflector. I have not ckecked the two led specs to verify their height difference though.

Will be bak with more info tommorow, kostas