How to remove internal ring from Mag 3D


Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2001
Stanwood WA
I'd like to remove the bulb holder/switch assembly from a Mag 3-D cell flashlight so I can add some electronics.

However, this assembly is held in by an internal retaining ring. Unfortunately, the ring doesn't have holes in its tips to grab with a normal retaining ring pliers.

Does anyone know how to pull this ring out?
Oh my,

bikenomad - look here Mag switch repair - in the end its very easy - just use a allen wrench INSIDE the switch after removing the ruber cap.

I really think about asking David to remove the search function as nobody is using it anyway - this question wasn´t only asked just yesterday (and answered) but maybe at least once per month - using the search function with "mag switch" would bring this up so easily - rant mode off.

Yeah, I found out it really is easier than it appeared. Simply pinch the rubber cap on the switch and pull it off. Then stick an appropriate sized allen wrench in and twist (mine was kind of hard at first). But! There is still the matter of that retaining ring. I also would like to get that out, but I tried prying with a knife blade but it wasn't coming out. I was all excited that my 4D cell mag was going to work for the rechargable 35 watt, then I realized "hey, I don't need it to be the length of 5 AA's, I need it to be the length of 6!" So, I guess I am gonna have to get a 5 D cell mag if I want to make the 24 AA rechargable 35 watt spotlight (well, I can't exactly afford 24 AA's anyway, that and the 5 D cell maglite would end up being around $65, $40 for batts (can only find cheap NiMH at $1.90 each, no luck finding cheap NiCds yet) and $25 for the light).

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Klaus:
Oh my,

bikenomad - look here Mag switch repair - in the end its very easy - just use a allen wrench INSIDE the switch after removing the ruber cap.

I really think about asking David to remove the search function as nobody is using it anyway - this question wasn´t only asked just yesterday (and answered) but maybe at least once per month - using the search function with "mag switch" would bring this up so easily - rant mode off.


But I wouldn't have been looking for anything about the switch. I looked for "mag retaining" and couldn't find it.

Thanks for the link, but the directions are outdated: this was for a version of the flashlight that used a screw-in retaining ring, not a snap-in ring.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bikeNomad:
But I wouldn't have been looking for anything about the switch. I looked for "mag retaining" and couldn't find it.

Thanks for the link, but the directions are outdated: this was for a version of the flashlight that used a screw-in retaining ring, not a snap-in ring.

Sorry, you're right, at least as far as removing the switch assembly (which is what I wanted to do). I really had to dig around to find an Allen wrench the right size -- it appears to be non-metric sized, and most of my wrenches are metric (because most of the things I work on are metric). I think it's around a 0.075 inch size, whatever that is. (that is, 2mm is too big).
Yeah, you are right, it is around .075. The one I used, I just measured at .0783 (the tensthousandth is estimated, a bit over .078). You may have your problem solved (that is, when you get the switch out), but I am still wanting to get that retaining ring out. Oh well, guess it isn't too important as I cannot afford 24 AA (nicd or nimh) anyway.

Something else that would be nice to figure out is how to remove the switch from the Brinkmann 2D legend (just got it for the spotlight, only $10 at bass pro, normal price). Then again, I haven't tried ALL that hard, and have not yet searched, so who knows, it may be dis-assembled in a matter of minutes.


the Brinkmann I took apart was pretty similar to the Mag, removing the switch assy things just fall in place pretty much.

Yeah, I finally got it out. It was a pain in the butt though. I don't know where the needle nose pliers are, so it is VERY hard for me to get that snap ring out. The snap ring is fairly thick, so it is hard to bend. I ended up using an awl ( I assume that is what it was, had a pointy end) to stick in the hole on the snap ring and pull it out. I am doubting that will ever go back in the right way for me. I am now working on re-soldering on my 75 watt bulb and I am gonna turn the 2-d into my car spotlight (since I don't want to buy 12 NiCd's (unless I can find them cheap)).

What I may end up doing is just use a 20 watt, 8 degree beam and 12 NiMH's (best buy has an 8 pack fairly cheap, and we have 8 at home so I can just buy 4 off Dad).
