How/where to buy Zebralight in Canada?


Apr 18, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi all,
A few years ago my beloved H600w Mk II disappeared. I've searched high and low for it but alas... cannot find it. I've resolved that I'll need to replace it and although I own and enjoy other headlamps, the ZL was my favourite and I'd like to replace with another, current gen same model. Perhaps the H600c or H600Fc, Mk IV.

But how can I get one, here in Canada? The website now states they only ship to US addresses. Does anyone know if there's a Canadian distributor? Or a distributor who will ship into Canada and not charge an arm and a leg?

I'm not sure how much it cost for you to purchase it from Amazon, but I'd be willing to purchase it anywhere you'd like that you would possibly find it cheaper at and then ship it to you after I got it. You'd just have to pay me for the headlamp and whatever shipping was.
I've done this for other people around the world, but in the knife community.
Just another option.
Nice offer, great :)
Thats forum spirit

ZL sendling not even to Canada?
And I was under the impression they "only" stopped selling here to Europe.

Ps: dont get too high expectations.
Yes, the full Power of the XHP is crazy - but the runtime is a joke.
And - for my taste - the light output, or better the useful beam, in all other levels than turbo is Bad.
Usually I tend to grab my older XM-L2 Model
(got my new(er) one, just shortly be4 they stopped sending abroad)
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