How's The Weather There ?

Colddddddddddddddd! Btw if your stranded with no heat will drinking hot drinks save you?
We dodged a bullet yesterday with a snow maker that had a bubble of warm air sandwiched between the cold storm and cold surface.
For many it was a snow maker. For many it was a cold rain maker. For those in the middle, freezing rain. Ugh! It did not dip below 32 in my area but just north it was 30 and 31 as the rain fell.

Luckily much of the energy from the storm was used up on the west side of the mountains so the amount of rain wasn't much.
It's literally 21-degrees F. officially.
But the weather App. on my phone says it feels like 6-degrees! o_O
I flew into Newark NJ yesterday from Phoenix AZ. Newark was right on the freezing rain/snow line. I watched predictions all week that varied between 6-8 inches of snow to 1/8th inch of freezing rain, to 0 inches of precipitation, and back. Fortunately I think we got about an inch of snow earlier in the day, and most of it was gone, either treated of not, by the time I got home in the evening.
I did have to brush off the snow from my car, in what felt like 8 degrees F. But I was delighted that I didn't have to drive on freezing rain. The roads were salted, and I was particularly careful when driving over a bridge or overpass. Fortunately, I didn't hit any patches of ice.
I flew into Newark NJ yesterday from Phoenix AZ. Newark was right on the freezing rain/snow line. I watched predictions all week that varied between 6-8 inches of snow to 1/8th inch of freezing rain, to 0 inches of precipitation, and back. Fortunately I think we got about an inch of snow earlier in the day, and most of it was gone, either treated of not, by the time I got home in the evening.
I did have to brush off the snow from my car, in what felt like 8 degrees F. But I was delighted that I didn't have to drive on freezing rain. The roads were salted, and I was particularly careful when driving over a bridge or overpass. Fortunately, I didn't hit any patches of ice.
Glad you guys were spared too.
The storm seemed to form over Colorado and made a narrow bee line for the east coast. When it hit the mountains it kind of jack-knifed into a north/south shape but the ocean sucked it off shore. Luckily for all involved it was a fast mover too.
By nightfall a small, weak second wave hit and covered the glaze with about an inch of snow.

I cleaned off some porches and automobiles yesterday while it was still raining. What slush remained melted. This morning a car brush cleaned off the same porches and automobiles. I considered using a leaf blower but did not want to bust up the quiet, serene vibe going on my street.
Cold with 7.5 inches of snow. There's a layer of ice on top of the snow. It's snowing again. Reported from Louisville, KY. Almost forgot to include temp. which is 13°.
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Surprisingly warm for Winter. About 18 hours ago, we had the type of snowfall I wish occurred all the time in my neck of the woods.... a light dusting of snow. Just enough to look nice for a few hours, without causing road headaches.
Here in central NC we had all of 0.7 in. snow Friday night. This was the first measureable snowfall we've had in over 1000 days. I'm really not disappointed. Grew up near Pittsburgh so less shoveling is appreciated.


At nearly noon, the wind chill is -8F (yes, that's minus eight)

tonight the wind chills are supposed to be very low_______________ welcome to Wisconsin😶‍🌫️
News article from my commuter road today:
I can even see my car in the 3rd video! :clap:

It was between 0º and -3ºC, and a lot of rain. I saw several trucks just sliding back and forth. One trailer truck just slid across the road right in front of me (fortunately kept it on the road). And I saw 2 cars in the ditch, and another truck planted well into a field on my way to work.

I got stuck in traffic when I was almost at work (~42 Kilometers into a 45 Km commute). Called my boss for his recommendation, and he told me to turn around if I could, and drive back home. Saying it was expected worse later in the evening, when all the rain would freeze.

Honestly, my biggest discomfort was all the other cars. I felt fine driving at 80+ Km/h with my 1000+ studs tyres (legal limit is 440 studs for my rim size). So today, my special tyres really came in handy.
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Speaking of slick, slippery roads; got home from work an hour late this morning because some genius in a fully loaded tractor-trailer decided to speed! Crashed, and flipped over on the expressway.... The one my usually extremely reliable relief uses to get to work in the morning.

Also, while it's 32-degrees F. outside, it feels closer to 19.