Currently 34 degrees F and clear.
Time to crank up the heat.
Time to crank up the heat.
If you ever saw grandma make ice cream, she used salt to help freeze at a lower temperature so the mixture can still be stirred at what would ordinarily be turning it into a solid.We're expecting 5-8 inches of snow tomorrow, but of course it may be as little as 2-3 inches. Fortunately it will fall on a Sunday, and during the day, so there won't be much commuter traffic blocking the snow plows.
The streets have already been brined, and pre-salted, but Monday, we'll see a high of 23F and a low of 11F. Therefore anything that is wet will become ice. With temps that low, salting will lose its effectiveness.
Lake effect: If Lake Erie was a bowling alley, Buffalo would be the pins.i liked snow well dont miss thr snow in cleveland ohio that was just way to much that lake effect is no joke
This far south, we don't bother much with the whims of those rich, ivory tower types. Much less politicians.Soon to be The Gulf of America. 😀
ItThis far south, we don't bother much with the whims of those rich, ivory tower types. Much less politicians.
It's always been the Gulf of Mexico, and as far as I'm concerned that's what it will remain.
Me and those waters could care less what's decided by whatever empty suit happens to be behind the camera this week.