lambda said:
Basically, forget anything you know about spray painting, as a nice even coat will only get you a blurry picture of the beam artifacts. You want the Krylon to just sputter onto the reflector surface in small droplets. Don't shake the can more than 15-20 sec before spraying. Spray from about 14 inches in very short burst. Rotate the reflector 90 degress between spray burst.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lambda, thanks for the info. Fortunately for me, I never knew anything about spray painting to begin with. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon23.gif I wonder, though, how a good Krylon sputter compares with using a sheet of Writeright over the glass. Also, does the potentially high heat from the bulb (or overdriven Luxeon /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif ) affect the Krylon?