As I posted earlier regarding fighting w/ insurance companies I remember more of what went on after Katrina.
If you, someone you know, etc lives ANYWHERE near a place that could flood due to storm surge this bears reading....
The insurers denied a lot of claims in Katrina for houses that were demolished via storm surge for not having proper coverage. This was sometimes AFTER the wind had demolished them already, their argument being that the water would have gotten them if the wind had not... so no coverage/claim for you.
The storm surge extended much further inland than the flood maps did... catching many off guard in more ways than one.
The state of MS and State Farm got into a pissing match over this. MS tried to force coverage. SF retaliated by refusing write any NEW homeowners statewide.
To add to this, don't depend upon FEMA for much help if your insurance denies you. When we had the basement flood last year from Ida, I already knew I wouldn't be asking insurance to cover it. I had dropped flood insurance from my policy a few years ago. Why? I had been denied the last few times I tried to file claims. When you read the fine print there are exceptions for flooding due to acts of nature, sewer backup, structural failure, plumbing system failure, acts of terrorism, etc. Basically, they had exceptions for virtually anything that might cause flooding. I half-jokingly told them when I dropped the flood insurance that it seems like the only flooding you'll cover is if I peed on the basement floor.
Anyway, I tried to get money from FEMA. They asked about structural damage. No, there wasn't any. Damage to items I owned? Truth is most of the damaged items were empty cardboard boxes. I already stopped keeping anything of value where flooding might damage it (or put it in plastic bins to keep water out). I was mainly looking to get paid maybe three or low four figures for my time/aggravation cleaning up the mess, plus the expenses of cleaning supplies. To make a long story short, they said no, we don't pay for that but we can offer you a
loan to cover damaged items. I was incredulous. Nothing that was damaged was worth replacing but seriously, if a person loses stuff they need they have to borrow money to replace it??? Isn't the purpose of FEMA to make people whole again after a natural disaster which they share no fault for? This isn't even getting into the entire byzantine bureaucracy you have to deal with to even get to the point someone will talk to you. If you have no power and no working phones good luck.
As for Florida, my guess is a bad insurance situation just turned worse. A lot of insurers already jumped ship before this happened. Insurance will only get a lot more expensive, or perhaps even unavailable to people in certain areas. End result could be a mass exodus from the state.