I bet you that a Mag will never sell for more.

i probably have a few flashlights that were "XFL1126 FLASHLIGHT. This flashlight was used during the series ofThe X-Files." also...perhaps i should hawk them off =P
"there's one born every minute..."

Maybe I should beat the crap out of an old Mag Lite, word process up a "certificate of authenticity", and reap the profits from the movie-weenie crowd.

BTW, I have some honest-to-God authentic Spiderman web shooters for sale. Guaranteed to get you across the Brooklyn Bridge in three shots. Oh, the bridge is for sale, too...
What the heck happened to that Maglite??? I've never seen one with absolutely no trace of anodizing or knurling left on it. It looks like it never had any knurling on it, for that matter. What an expensive POS....

Think the price will go higher than the brass Arc-AAA, a genuinely worthwile 'almost one of a kind' ultra desireable flashlight?
There is yet another auction for a beatup magcharger Item # 1536519266

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