The E2 is 60 lumens for 75 minutes and the Scorpion is 6,500 candlepower for 60 minutes, right? Which is brighter? I wish they both measured in lumens...
Scorpion is brighter, and a little whiter to begin with, I`d guess maybe 70 lumens? The bulb is driven a little harder than the E2(e) hence the lower life time. But- the E2(e)`s battery life time is noticeably longer. I havn`t used the Scorpion heavily enough but I`d say the extra (quoted) 15 minute run time is significant.
Picture? Oh, go on then....
Note that the scorpion`s batteries have more use than the E2e, hence why it looks a tiny bit yellower in this shot. With fresh`uns in there, it`s a little bit whiter to begin with.
I must say I prefer the E2e. It`s smaller, I prefer the tail cap with it`s real button and lockout feature, and I like the beam as it is. I don`t change the focus of the Scorpion that often if at all, and I find the spread of the E2e to be almost poerfect for what I use it for (close to medium range, often in attics/basements- gotta watch out for spiders
). I also don`t care for the rubber shroud of the Scorpion, it`s nice and grippy but seems to be fond of sliding and twisting, and getting a bit baggy round the tail end. Also dust is attracted to it, and then won`t clean off so it always looks a bit grubby.
But it`s alright, certainly a good enough buy for the money.