i know this should be in the ARC forum, but....

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Sep 27, 2002
Northbrook, IL
...but i dont think i'd get an answer for days /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif plus this is quick and painless. can someone please tell me when this transition happened? cause i have seen both LSH-P and LSH-S with bevels and both without. which predates which? i had an LSHF-P that was flat from what i can remember with no bevel so am i right to assume thats the later revision?


I think the one on top is a newer version. I got into this pretty late and every Arc that's come through my hands have looked like this.
that's what i figured, thanks. i think the bottom one is #086 or #089 LSH-S....my gf has it. it's been modded by LitFuse with a TWOJ/17mm IMS/UCL/clicky contacts. i like the newer unbeveled look more, but i think the older one is all he had on hand that he could mod for me.

Re: i know this should be in the ARC forum, but...


Check this great site, it might help. Nice guy too. PM him.


I like his site over others because of the pictures and info.

I saw an earlier ARC model that had the tsp like the second picture. I think some people might have mixed and matched light bodies and switches. I may be wrong on this, as I am late to the ARC lights meself.

They are wonderful. I am expecting me first two lights very soon/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif

Hope this helps,
Re: i know this should be in the ARC forum, but...

My LSL looks like the top pic. I think it came from the last batch of those models.

Re: i know this should be in the ARC forum, but...

Hello Leon,

I have one of each. The early one is beveled, the later one is straight.

Re: i know this should be in the ARC forum, but...

Leon -

Posting in the wrong forum just to get more eyeballs is bad form! Please resist that in the future. And the Arc forum is where you'll likely get the best answers anyway. If we all posted everything in the forum with the most eyeballs, we'd have a big mess. Thanks for understanding.
Re: i know this should be in the ARC forum, but...

I've seen one of each in a LSL and a LSH. Don't know which one is the "newer" version. AFAIK, LS's are all the same OD (within tolerances), but I never got too much into Arc trivia.
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