I need a curcuit board made.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 3, 2004
United States
I would like to make a 2 luxeon III light thats regulated and has multiple output levels. The problem is that I know nothing about constructing the board for myself. Is there someone here that does this, or a web site maybe? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif Also, is this very expensive to have done? Please, help a newbie out. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif Thanks
The fatman sounds great. I could use 3 luxeon III's or 2 luxeon 5's. That is the kind of output I am looking for. Thank you.
Your other option is George's nFlex. Both boards are truly excellent, you can't go wrong with anything he makes.

lmcmann said:
Your other option is George's nFlex. Both boards are truly excellent, you can't go wrong with anything he makes.


[/ QUOTE ]
I'll second that. His customer service is beyond anything you could imagine.
what he said.. george is amazing.. he helped me 're engineer' the fatman to suit a very very particular need i have in a prototype light i'm building.. i was able to swap resistors on the board with my pot.. i can't imagine better customer service than that.

nFlex is a buck ckt, so not as likely to be used in a mag mod, though some people have.. by using 123s or the AAA to D adapters etc..

fatman has a pot input for dialing down the brightness with a built-in minimum.. there is even a fairly ugly hack to add on low-voltage protection (ugly because the light will blink at the end.... though in the last couple of tests.. it actually dims to about 1/8th normal output beforehand so you definitely know the battery is dead).

I started a whole thread once "I love fatman".. great driver.. trying to work it into my minimighty light.. it's stunning.

I would like to add a comment about George also. When I email him the answer is back in a flash. When I order, it's shipped in a flash. I have not used the Fatman yet, but if it is even close to his customer service then it can't be beat. Many businesses would do well to take a lesson from George.

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