I want more reach for my E2...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas

Is there a way to get more reach out of an E2? The beam is really good and bright as it is but would like to get a tighter beam for really far away lighting, I EDC this light on a custom made belt pouch along with spare 123`s, SAK, and photon II, so Turbohead is not an option.

Doh! I was with you right up until the last four words! I'm afraid that a Turbohead is your ONLY answer here. Two big things against it though:

1. It is not an option for you
2. It is not an option for anybody... yet.

I think it would cool to have the option of an "E" series T head. PK has a prototype on his site of one on an E1E.
If you want more throw, any of the 2-cell Surefires that use a P60 or P61 will give more throw, but the light itself will be a little larger. You might try a D2 or G2Z, etc.
No, the proto-type larger Bezels for the E2e where NOT TurboHeads in that they don't produce narrow beams for long range use. Those proto-types give the beams more impact in the eyes of who ever the beam gets shone at. I got to try them out for a short time at the SHOT Show 2002.

I agree that it would have been great to have a Bezel for the E2e that produces a tight narrow beam.

I'm not sure what magic may be going on there, but for the beam to have more impact on the beam recipient, the beam would *have* to be more narrowly focussed. And if the beam isn't more narrowly focussed, there's really no reason for a bigger head.

Now, the E2 turbo may not be AS tightly focussed as the turbo heads for the bigger lights, but it tightens up the beam somewhat, for sure.

I say again: It makes a little light come out and play like a big light.
I didn`t know the prototypes were not designed to achieve longer throw. Why is that?

Think I read an experiment here some time ago of a fellow member who did something to the bulb assembly, but can`t remember if he shaved some material off or put metal spacers around the bulb to position it for longer throw, anyone remembers?

Alex, Al and Darell,

I wasn't to clear on this issue, so I just asked PK about them tonight.

If you have previous experience with a Sure Fire turbo head, you know that they produce a very tight, narrow "cookie cutter" beam. The "turbo" for the E series is 1) not large enough to focus the beam tightly "effectively and 2) uses the standard issue bulb (not one specifically designed for a turbo head application).

That said, the "turbo" for the E series does "throw" farther ( marginally not significantally) because it is a bit more focused.

Al is correct in his statements because the larger light source (1 1/2" versus 1") causes a larger "footprint" on the retina. It is for this reason the "turbo" is more disorienting, not because of the greater brightness of a more focused beam.

Lastly, I should add, unlike many prototypes that PK has made and are considered "no go", the mini turbo is still under consideration; which means, one day we might be able to buy one....
but don't hold your breathe!
Originally posted by Mr Ted Bear:
Al is correct in his statements because the larger light source (1 1/2" versus 1") causes a larger "footprint" on the retina. It is for this reason the "turbo" is more disorienting, not because of the greater brightness of a more focused beam.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">But with the turbo head installed, the beam IS more tightly focussed and therefor brighter (more light dense?) in the middle. Theory, reality, and PK all agree on this point. The extra brightness has to have at least something to do with the effect on the viewer. At some point, when you make the footprint larger, you end up with less impact, as the beam becomes less dense. But I'm sure others have studied this WAY more than I have, seeing as how I haven't studied it at all.

If anybody is counting hands, I want one!
and think that they certainly SHOULD be produced. If nothing else we could make a longer-throwing LED light out of one!

The reality of it all is that I store my lights bezel down. My E2s seem to fall over easy. With a turbo head, my problems are solved!
It would make a much better night-stand light that way, for sure.
The mini-turbo takes the same amount of light and puts it in a tighter beam; it throws farther. As Darell pointed out, it also stands on it's head much better :)

And as PK once commented, it looks like a flashlight. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that it's not a dead issue because I think folks would like to own one of these. Maybe we're just waiting for it to be digitally controlled and sport a few LED's around its perimiter. :)

Yes................................................... the..................................................A2T

(say that fast a few times)