i want trasers

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Just food for thought - The US Army is currently replacing all it's tritium powered gun sights with LEDs for both safety and reliability purposes. It should be easy to create something eaqual to trasers without the nuclear power. For instance, a 7555 (CMOS version of the 555 timer chip) can power an LED in pulse mode for a year on a single button battery. Not real bright, but then the traser isn't very bright either. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Really? I didn't think led's were available in a unit that small. Do you have photos or specs on these?? I have difficulty believing an led and power source could coexist in an assembly as small as a front post sight on an m-16. Interesting....

Are they really more reliable? I imagine they are probably cheaper (short term), but battery replacement for 12 straight years of continous operation is hard to justify, $$$-wise...