I was here when Zebra Light still didn't exist


Newly Enlightened
Jan 21, 2023
I was trying to find my old account, can't remember my user name but I still remember this thread which was the first from Zebra Light here announcing their first lamp, anyone remember? maybe this particular thread is all gone now...maybe some other memories will come back to help my research.
I was here when LEDs was brand new no one had them here really . God I'm old and not wise ps welcome back who ever you are lol
I remember the days of prohibiting sales of incandescent light bulbs because the govt's global warming hoax said electricity production had to be reduced. The first debacle was the Compact fluorescent mercury containing fixtures that was a disaster if you dropped them. What a load of crap.

Might be a decent starting point

Might be a decent starting point
Thank you!! I'm there. This is exactly the thread I was thinking about.
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I was here when LEDs was brand new no one had them here really . God I'm old and not wise ps welcome back who ever you are lol
You are older than me here, even at the time I first subscribed here the place was huge with so much sharing and interaction, looks like those times are gone... 😥
I remember the days of prohibiting sales of incandescent light bulbs because the govt's global warming hoax said electricity production had to be reduced. The first debacle was the Compact fluorescent mercury containing fixtures that was a disaster if you dropped them. What a load of crap.
Hey, wait a second...Were you that guy at Home Depot back then, with an absolute LOOK OF SHEER PANIC, shoveling incandescent bulbs into the cart while screaming at passerbys, "THE GUBMINT IS TAKING AWAY ALL OUR BLUBS!!!!"?


Kidding aside, to be fair, that whole phase out debacle was hilarious from all sides, if you're not into partisan politics. As usual, it was a "well-intentioned" idea implemented by ivory tower people with absolutely zero knowledge of anything, who had zero understanding of the short comings of CFL lights, and didn't realize how far from realistic implementation LED bulbs were - nor the upfront costs of switching. So, of course, the "reasonable" reaction to the people on the other political team was to absolutely lose the minds and re-enact Black Friday Wal-Mart videos while scrambling to pay $5/each for incandescent bulbs while screaming at random other customers.

God, I have such great memories from that time. My brother and I would just laugh and laugh. There was some dude just LOADING bulbs loosely into the back of his rusty pickup. His stacks would tip, and you'd hear shattering. We figured he probably got home with a good quarter of them shattered. ABSOLUTE PANIC IN HIS FACE. It was like his life depended on him taking these back home to sit in the garage, unused, for the next 47 years. hahahhahaha

Or, the guy who blocked the bulb section with carts so he could load them up. He was the only one interested, and everyone just kind of stared and chuckled, but if you walked even down the aisle, he'd start yelling that he wasn't done getting his, and that he was super smart, and the Gubmint wasn't going to stop him...

I don't know, in retrospect, I never had an EZ-Bake oven, so maybe this all REALLY was a crisis, hahahah.

For all the fear mongering that happened, the most I ever saw was coupons for discounts on CFL bulbs from our local power company (cause they would save money by having to generate slightly less power), and then the eventual market shift to energy efficient bulbs that simply made incandescents hilariously uncompetitive. Now? It blows my mind when I talk to kids, and they don't even know you CHANGE light bulbs. They might be 10, and have never had to have a bulb in their house replaced. It's crazy to any of us who remember regularly using ladders to change lights in fixtures for our parents and grandparents.

Thanks for the memories and chuckles.
Hey, wait a second...Were you that guy at Home Depot back then, with an absolute LOOK OF SHEER PANIC, shoveling incandescent bulbs into the cart while screaming at passerbys, "THE GUBMINT IS TAKING AWAY ALL OUR BLUBS!!!!"?


Kidding aside, to be fair, that whole phase out debacle was hilarious from all sides, if you're not into partisan politics. As usual, it was a "well-intentioned" idea implemented by ivory tower people with absolutely zero knowledge of anything, who had zero understanding of the short comings of CFL lights, and didn't realize how far from realistic implementation LED bulbs were - nor the upfront costs of switching. So, of course, the "reasonable" reaction to the people on the other political team was to absolutely lose the minds and re-enact Black Friday Wal-Mart videos while scrambling to pay $5/each for incandescent bulbs while screaming at random other customers.

God, I have such great memories from that time. My brother and I would just laugh and laugh. There was some dude just LOADING bulbs loosely into the back of his rusty pickup. His stacks would tip, and you'd hear shattering. We figured he probably got home with a good quarter of them shattered. ABSOLUTE PANIC IN HIS FACE. It was like his life depended on him taking these back home to sit in the garage, unused, for the next 47 years. hahahhahaha

Or, the guy who blocked the bulb section with carts so he could load them up. He was the only one interested, and everyone just kind of stared and chuckled, but if you walked even down the aisle, he'd start yelling that he wasn't done getting his, and that he was super smart, and the Gubmint wasn't going to stop him...

I don't know, in retrospect, I never had an EZ-Bake oven, so maybe this all REALLY was a crisis, hahahah.

For all the fear mongering that happened, the most I ever saw was coupons for discounts on CFL bulbs from our local power company (cause they would save money by having to generate slightly less power), and then the eventual market shift to energy efficient bulbs that simply made incandescents hilariously uncompetitive. Now? It blows my mind when I talk to kids, and they don't even know you CHANGE light bulbs. They might be 10, and have never had to have a bulb in their house replaced. It's crazy to any of us who remember regularly using ladders to change lights in fixtures for our parents and grandparents.

Thanks for the memories and chuckles.
No worse than the most recent fear mongering of the herd. If you take it , you can't catch it....
Oops, if you take it you can't spread it...
No worse than the most recent fear mongering of the herd. If you take it , you can't catch it....
Oops, if you take it you can't spread it...
I don't know. That was probably the second sickest I'd ever gotten, and it sucked...and then it sucked, again, hahaha. I wish they had a shot that actually worked, because I'd be more than glad to never catch that, again. I'm not sure how we can get an effective flu shot most years, but billions in research seems to make the cousin to the flu an enigma...

The worst that happened to me during the incandescent panic was it took a little longer to checkout.

So, while I think many people definitely went overboard and hyper-panicked over the last few years, getting sick does suck, so I'll at least grant them there was at least SOMETHING going on (I'm more gracious towards people who were in the high risk groups, though; I think older folks on Chemo generally are warranted in being a little worried about catching something, be it the flu, pneumonia, or whatever - the panicked healthy teenagers driving solo in their car with a mask were pretty silly).

Meanwhile, that dude with the truck bed full of bulbs is probably STILL sitting on a giant stack, and is probably STILL hiding them from the prying eyes of Big Daddy Gubmint...while absolutely no one cares, haha.

Then again, maybe we're all the fools, and that dude is cranking out the world's best dang blueberry muffins from that EZ-Bake oven...
I was an early adopter of LEDs. I replaced every incandescent bulb in our house and garage. Even the four in the two garage door openers. I started with the Cree offerings that had the cooling fins. I've since replaced many LEDs due to them failing.
I was an early adopter of LEDs. I replaced every incandescent bulb in our house and garage. Even the four in the two garage door openers. I started with the Cree offerings that had the cooling fins. I've since replaced many LEDs due to them failing.
That was my experience with early LEDs, too. A lot of them didn't work very well in enclosed housings, so they'd overheat quickly and die. I still have a box of CFL lighs I've been using outdoors from when I first started switching (LEDs were so expensive, I initially only got a few). It's funny to me that the LEDs only made it maybe 2-5X the lifespan of incandescents, but these dang CLF bulbs are still with me decades later, haha.

I did have this very lovely, very warm early LED bulb in a desk lamp. It had those big fins, and they got HOT. I remember some early ones (especially garage ones) looked like some kind of medieval club, studded with LEDs. I remember the light was generally somewhat "spotty," but being blown away by how insanely bright they were for a fraction of the wattage.

After a few blew out, I kind of kept using the CFL bubls until the last...few years (I can't keep track of time, anymore), and I'm back to using warmish LED bulbs. I'd spent some money on some really nice, high CRI ones, but had issues with them, so I'm actually just using cheapo Menards ones, and they're probably the best lasting LED bulbs I've had since that warm desklamp one.

Do they even make CFL bulbs, anymore? I feel like I haven't seen one of those at a store in maybe a decade...
Got my old account back! I finally found my old password, funny thing i got a pm from @4sevens, anyone remember them? they run the Fenix customer service.