If you had to sell all your lights but 1 - which would you keep?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 18, 2008
I'm sure this has been done before but I just thought it might be interesting to do since there has been a fair amount of new lights come out this past year.

If you had to sell or get rid of all your lights and you could only keep ONE (just 1!!) - which one would you choose and why??

Remember - pics are good too :)
My Aeon. It is easily pocketable and has both long runtimes and a kick *** high setting!
McGizmo Ti PD-S - It's all you need. IMO, it's almost the perfect light. If I could be so bold as to suggest changes to the light, I'd make it so that emitter swaps were easily done as technology moves forward, and I'd offer one without a clip or screw holes.
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- Muyshondt Aeon

- SureFire A2 Aviator

- SureFire M6 Guardian

The very best in their classes, hands down. I'd be extremely well served with only one of the above.
That's tough, probably my e2e executive elite because I also have a KX2 head for it also. Second choice would be my EX10 or D10. Like I said tough decision.:thinking:
McGizmo LunaSol20 ... the most versatile and useful light I own.





It is the smaller onein the first pic, the bigger brother is the LunaSol27 and the shortest one in the last pic is the Ti-PD.

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That's tough, probably my e2e executive elite because I also have a KX2 head for it also. Second choice would be my EX10 or D10. Like I said tough decision.:thinking:

+1... i might would choose my d10 over the e2e because of AA batts, very small size and variable output... oddly it's the only AA light i have.
if i could choose a light that i don't have i think i would go with an a2
I must say the Ti PD is Number 1
Mike Jordan's Extreme III #2
McGizmo's PD has stood the test of time.
I have bought and sold thousands of dollars worth of custom lights. most of them had some features that I liked but the McGizmo Ti PD meets all my requirements. Titanium is a fabulous material for a flashlight!
the fact that it still looks new even after being dropped several times. The only thing I would do to it would be emitter swap when technology advances . The host is superb!!
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If I had to choose one it would be my PD-S. Even though I am not EDC'ing it as much as I used it is still my favourite light. I just love the looks and the way it works.
I was actually thinking of starting this exact thread topic a few days ago :)

It would be really hard to decide between my E1B and my A2...

I guess I'd probably keep the A2 Aviator.

(Although this would maybe change here in a few days when my first SF M6 is due to arrive :party:)
Probably my U2 as first choice for user interface, run time, and power levels. I think my PD3 Rebel 100 might be next in line for the same reasons PLUS a super small footprint.
You'll pry my cold dead hands off my...

...my Draco, of course. It's always there in my pocket, and all the options I ever use.