Oh, inSUlators. Shucks. I thought it was some kind of phone machine that spat out wisecracks to telephone salespersons, who I despise.
Craig that is one awesome collection, it even adds something to the mood of the light coming in from that window too, I'm sure.
I think you would be interested in the collecting of fishing net glass float balls, big among some people here in Hawaii. Very similar material, glass balls that ocean fishermen used to use to buoy the edges of their giant fishing nets. There's all kinds of plastic and vinyl-type floats now, so the balls are getting rare and are highly collectible. Cool thing was, as a kid growing up here a loooong time ago (I turn 50 this October), you could sometimes just get'em on the beach when they washed up. They last forever since they're made of greenish glass (sometimes with little bubbles in them, no two are the same), plus they never get lost because they don't sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Now was this off-topic or what?