If You Had To Sell Every LED Light But Two...



...which ones would they be?

Let me start it off by saying the Lambda Illuminator, and the ElektroLumens DirectDrive LS MagLite...
Hmmmmmm.....Lets see here....I think that I would keep my Lambda Illuminator and my ARC AAA LE. I love my LS, but it falls somewhere in brightness between my Illuminator and the AAA ARC LE. My Lightwave 3000 is too big. My Photons don't use readily available batteries. And my own direct-drive Mag mod is waaaaayyyy to big. Interesting question MR Bulk.


Your DD Mag mod is way too big? I was thinking just to keep around the house, with the Lam for going out...anyway my next LED wish is to acquire the same kind of DD LS mod but in a 3C Mag, for its slimmer profile.
Inova X5 and Arc LE... both lights are part of my edc and i just can't imagine being without one of those...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ChrisA:
Inova X5 and Arc LE... both lights are part of my edc and i just can't imagine being without one of those...


Just curious and do NOT mean to doubt the most excellent manufacturers of the Arc LE, but what is the main appeal of that keychain light? For example I like the brightness of my Photon 2 for EDC (obviously, since it's stuck on my keychain anyway), but I know the battery change is a bother (although I've not ever had to perform one in what sems like years now). What batteries does the Arc LE use?
Sorry guys, but I'll have to hang onto my prototype Arc-LS kit. (Is this how you intended to relieve me of it?)

The other light I'd probably keep is the 2-D to 3-C Elektro-Blaster.

The reasoning behind this is that the Arc prototype kit is extremely rare and irreplaceable; yet fully functional and usable. And the Elektro-Blaster because it's just so darned bright.
Mr. Bulk,

You just have to get an Arc AAA. I just recently got an older version blue, and I love it. It is very bright. It is also smaller than the Mag solitaire and much brighter. The Arc LE was the limited edition, had a natural finish HA, that apparently is no longer available to buy new. The Arc LE had a different rank LED to make the light less blueish. Even if you don't get an LE, you just have to have one. But keep in mind, that I said just one because after the first one you will definitely want another. I don't even notice it on my keychain, kept right next to a green gloring. Much easier to change the batteries in than the photon and cheaper too.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:

Your DD Mag mod is way too big? I was thinking just to keep around the house, with the Lam for going out...anyway my next LED wish is to acquire the same kind of DD LS mod but in a 3C Mag, for its slimmer profile.

I guess that I just got spoiled with Surefires. I'm used to having bright lights with a smaller size. If I am going to put a 3D in my hands, I would rather use my Light Cannon for the same task. Even though the direct drive mod is brighter than my Illuminator, I find that the advantage of the increased brightness does not outweigh the disadvantage of larger size. Plus, you did limit me to only two lights

MR Bulk,
I also suggest the ARC AAA. My ARC AAA LE with the S-rank LED is SLIGHTLY dimmer than my Photon with new batts., but it offers more consistent brightness and easier to find batteries (AAA). It wirks best munching up used AAA batts out of almost everything. It is easier to use in a constant-on mode that the photon, and is an aluminum work of art. DEFINATELY suggest that you put it on your list of 'must haves'

Hay Craig,

In that case you can send me yore Lambda (heh heh).


Man, I don't need no more lights -- I have to wait on the SL-1 light knife first -- if the white LED in there is bright enough, or better yet, if the Arc AAA fits in there(!), then I will see what move is best to make next. I really wanted to replace my key-knife anyway, way too much stuff on the ol' keychain.


Sorry about the two-light limit -- mebbe we should say...only 27 lights? (haw!)
Ouch, only two?

Arc LS and Eternalight XRay.

The Arc is nice for its size and has some flexiblity with the different power supplies. The Eternalight because it can dim and use the same batteries as the Arc.

I was torn between the Eternalight and the Arc AAA. The Arc for size, but the Eternalight for flexibility and interchangeability with the Arc LS. The Arc lost only because its an AAA.


You got an LS? So there's an LS in Hawaii?


You got 200 lights? That's about 10 times more than me! Okay, you're now officially cut off!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:


You got 200 lights? That's about 10 times more than me! Okay, you're now officially cut off!

I believe I now have more than 300 flashlights, and more are on the way! :eel: That's a LOT of flashlights. Figure I have about as many of those as I do antique telephone insolators.
Eric and kogatana,

Arc AAA recommendation duly noted. And if it fits in that ToolLogic survival knife I'm waiting on, I will be an Arc owner for sure.

Craig what is an insolator for antique telephones? Is that a hobby I should look into also (heh heh)?
If I mentioned the two lights that I used the most, they'd both be Arc AAA's. But the two different lights that I'd like to keep or my Arc CPF edition and my first SF E2. I haven't been able to beat the combo of the Arc AAA and the E2, no matter how hard I try. But then my Illuminator tried to arrive today while I was out
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:

Craig what is an insolator for antique telephones? Is that a hobby I should look into also (heh heh)?

That should have read "telephone insulators.

They're the glass or clay things on the tops of telephone poles that some kids shoot out with BB guns. They insulate the wire from the pole, making it possible to transmit electricity, cable TV, fire alarms, and telephone calls.


The cornflower blue one second from the left is actually quite valuable.


A "few" of them in the window.


And a few larger ones on the carpet. My Bagless Stick Shark ain't gonna suck these up.
Oh, inSUlators. Shucks. I thought it was some kind of phone machine that spat out wisecracks to telephone salespersons, who I despise.

Craig that is one awesome collection, it even adds something to the mood of the light coming in from that window too, I'm sure.

I think you would be interested in the collecting of fishing net glass float balls, big among some people here in Hawaii. Very similar material, glass balls that ocean fishermen used to use to buoy the edges of their giant fishing nets. There's all kinds of plastic and vinyl-type floats now, so the balls are getting rare and are highly collectible. Cool thing was, as a kid growing up here a loooong time ago (I turn 50 this October), you could sometimes just get'em on the beach when they washed up. They last forever since they're made of greenish glass (sometimes with little bubbles in them, no two are the same), plus they never get lost because they don't sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Now was this off-topic or what?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MR Bulk™:
Craig that is one awesome collection, it even adds something to the mood of the light coming in from that window too, I'm sure.

I think you would be interested in the collecting of fishing net glass float balls

Glad ya like it.

The sun only gets to my window from around May through September, so that's when this collection really sparkles. Fishing balls - I had a gorgeous little amber one awhile back, but it broke in an earthquake. Haven't been able to find another one since.